02 | "Meeting you was my biggest mistake!"

Start from the beginning

"Hello, can I meet...um...the CEO?" Taehyung asked as he was trying to peek through the door.

"Who are you?"

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Just tell him that fiancé's friend came to visit him."

"Alright. Please wait here. He's in a meeting now."

"Sure." Taehyung said and sat on the couch. He looked at his wrist watch time to time. 45 minutes has passed, still that CEO didn't came.

"How long is thar meeting gonna go on? I have to go to the restaurant soon otherwise Namjoon hyung will kill me."

Taehyung was getting impatient as he kept looking at his watch. He cursed himself for getting involved in this twisted situation.

"Hey!" The CEO greeted as he entered his cabin.

"Oh-hi. I'm Kim Taehyung. Are you Ryan Park?"

"Yes. I assume you are a Pizza delivery guy? Well, I didn't order any pizza so you may leave."

"I'm here to talk about Jungkook!!" Taehyung exclaimed boldly.

"Jungkook? My fiancé? What about him?" The CEO frowned.

"Pls don't marry Jungkook. Pls I beg you."

"Excuse me?" Ryan stood up from his chair; getting irritated, "Who the hell are you to tell me whether I should marry Jungkook or not? Who are you? Jungkook's friend?"

Taehyung gulped & said, "I'm..his boyfriend."

"What?! Since when? Why didn't Mr. Jeon tell me anything about this?"

"Sir, now how should I put it?! We have been dating for one and half year. We two love each other so much that we will die if we got seperated. But his dad won't accept me just bcz I'm a pizza deliver guy. Now you tell me what should I do? Shall I kill myself Mr. Ryan?" Taehyung fake cried and decided to lie for Jungkook's sake.

"Oh my god, Taehyung. I understand your pain. Jungkook must be sad right now too. You know I really like Jungkook but for his sake, I will not marry him."

"Really? Thank you so much. You saved my life."

"It's not a big deal. I am happy to renuite two lovers. But right now, you are coming with me. I'm taking you to his college. Follow me to my car."

"What? Damn it!! Fuck my luck!!" Taehyung mumbled.

"What are you mumbling? Get inside my car."

"Huh...oh yeah..." Taehyung gave out a forced smile to the CEO.


Jungkook was walking in the hallway as his practical classes ars over. He wanted to be alone so he didn't hang out with Jin and Hobi. He was thinking about Taehyung's words. What will he do with Ryan? Will he threaten him? Jungkook gasped at this thought. Suddenly, someone called his name out.

"Jeon Jungkook..." The guy who cleans the college classrooms ran towards Jungkook.

"Uncle, what happened?"

"Someone named Ryan Park is looking for you. You must go."

"Oh. Thank you." Jungkook said and went outside thinking his dad might have send that guy to Jungkook.

He saw Ryan standing near the college campus.

"Hi Ryan."

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