08 | Realization of feelings

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The couple was sleeping peacefully after their steamy make out session from yesterday. The sun rays were coming through the windows, hitting their faces, making the couple stir in their sleep. But Taehyung woke up as he was a morning person. He checked the time and then looked at his side, only to find Jungkook cuddling him. His cheeks heated up as he remembered the events that took place last night. He took a minute to examine his husband's face.

"So fucking gorgeous...." Taehyung thought as he caressed his face.

As he was so busy staring at Jungkook, he didn't realise Jungkook was waking up.

"Tae....your phone...is ringing." Jungkook said in his morning voice making.

"Uhm...sorry for waking you up. Taehyung said and went outside to pick up the call.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat up straight on his bed, thinking about what happened last night. He blushed and touched his lips. He smiled shyly when he remembered how heavenly Taehyung's lips felt when he kissed him.

The door opened and Taehyung came inside. He got confused as saw Jungkook sitting up, smiling.

As Taehyung was approaching him ti say something, Jungkook threw a pillow at him and looked away shyly.

"W-what the-?" Taehyung mumbled as he managed to catch the pillow.

Jungkook walked past Taehyung and went inside the bathroom.

And Taehyung being oblivious, couldn't understand why Jungkook was acting like this. He thought Jungkook might be displeased about the kiss so he decided to apologize.

Jungkook came out from the bathroom and saw Taehyung scrolling on his phone.

"Um..Tae...you can go now, I will make the breakfast." Jungkook said and Taehyung hummed as a response.

Soon, the couple got ready for their respective work. Jungkook packed Taehyung's lunch and them served the breakfast.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward and it was making Jungkook nervous so he decided to speak up.

"I still had time so I thought I should make breakfast. This is the first time we are eating breakfast, together, sitting on thr same table. Isn't it lovely?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah." Taehyung replied bluntly.

"Btw, I also made u lunch. So make sure you eat it, ok?"


"Tae...what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

Taehyung stopped eating hearing Jungkook's question. He knows Jungkook doesn't love him then why is he acting like a good husband. Taehyung was hella confused.

Taehyung sighed, "Listen Jungkook, I don't know what happened to you and I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"What are yoi taking about?" Jungkook frowned.

"I'm talking about yesterday. I know you don't love me and you don't see me as your husband and I am nit complaining. I'm okay as long as we are friends. So I think you should forget about the kiss cuz I feel it may ruin our friendship. Also, you acting all lovey-dovey is weird."

"So that kiss doesn't means anything to you?" Jungkook asked, trying yo hold back his tears.

"Of course the kiss means a lot to me Jungkook. I love you so much but you don't so you acting like this is very weird for me." Taehyung thought. He couldn't tell his real feelings so he just simply replied, "No."

Jungkook's felt his chest tightening.

Both of them loves each other but none of them confessed in the fear of getting hurt.

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