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5 years later

Mary Jane Watson

Chief of the Daily bugle

Now writing a novel about the war of the militia

She remember it well how one man changed it all....how one man did it all for a bright star...now that bright star grew brighter

Mj wrote how deep inside she knew that the man will create a new hero...something beautiful that the world has ever seen

*Knock knock*


j looked at her side to the door and hear

*Knock Knock*

Mj looked behind her and saw the beautiful star

Mj looked behind her and saw the beautiful star

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Mj:Oh you grew up so fast

Erika:Still cute

Mj:Yes you are

Erika:Writing your Novel?

Mj:Yup and now finding a good ending

Erika:Dad always said look up for that star

Mj thought for a second

Mj:Huh your good....maybe youll take my place

Erika:if only i was good at making my first suit...i took war bird seriously

Carol:erike sweetie time for training

Then Erika came out

Erika:Warbird here

Erika:Warbird here

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Erika:Kaw kaw!!
*end of flashback

Mj laughed

Erika:Dad made a simple one...which is aerodynamic

Mj:What else is new

Erika:Still scare my mom when she is late

Look Up For That StarWhere stories live. Discover now