Christmas special

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Erika was one year old and her father
And with the fantastic 4

As they were walking down the street seeing the beautiful street covered in lights

Peter:Look Erika all the lights

Erika looked around seeing the bright lights

Peter:Look erika santa Claus

Erika saw the man im red with a white beared

Saying ho ho ho

Erika looked at the bright light wanting to grab one

Peter:Its beautiful isn't it my little star

Erika admired the giant tree with a bright star looking at it

Human torch:Look at that....ok now look for the mistletoe

Peter:When you get older stay away from the mistletoe
Then erika was 2 year old

Erika was on her father shoulder seeing how the x men sang Christmas carol

Erika rested her head on her dad's head


Peter patted her head

Then later Christmas party inside the mansion

Peter was talking to wolverine

Peter:so any big plans

Wolverine:Sort of its Christmas and i want my present in bed

Peter:Its the season of giving and your wanting something

Wolverine:I em....i em giving them a night to remember

Peter:If you say what you get laura

Wolverine:I have no idea...what you get her


Peter saw Erika with spider man plushy

Wolverine:Huh that is so self entitled

Peter:No its not

Wolverine:Really....erika...come here

Erika walked up to wolverine

Wolverine:I was gonna give this to laura but you can have this

Wolverine gave erika a wolverine plushy

Peter:Oh come on

Wolverine:She might need to hug her favorite hero

Peter:Oh come on


Peter:Oh don't pull that card

Erika laughed and then ororo came

Ororo:Oh little erika look at that you dad fighting to be your favorite hero

Erika laid her head on her

Ororo:aww merry Christmas erika
Erika then was 3 years old

Erika was on the couch sleeping

But them the door quietly opened entered the room

The seeing Erika

The figure rubbed Erika hair and covered her with blanket and handing her...her teddy bear

The figure saw a table that had milk and cookies...but it didn't say santa

It said mom

The figure smiled and eat the cookies and milk and gave a kiss to erika

???:I love you baby

Said the mother of the child

Then the next morning

Erika woke up

Erika noticed the cookies and milk was gone and went to look her mom


Erika then saw captain marvel in a santa hat with a sack on her back

Erika had a smile

Carol:Merry Christmas baby

Erika hugged her tightly

Carol:Aww baby

Carol saw aunt may

Carol:Can you agree


Peter came in

Peter:Who else could have given her a big smile on our little star

May:Your right

Peter kissed carol

Peter:A beautiful gift

Carol:well your gift is another plane ride and its gonna be exactly like last time



Peter:Well happy jolly

Erika pulled out several captain marvel toys

Peter:self entitled much?

Carol:No i just want her to love me....cause im her favorite hero

Peter:Well its a Christmas miracle

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