Chapter 5

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Carol was in tear still thinking of what she has been through spider women was consoling her but was hugged tightly by carol

The wasp:What happened over there

Carol:Another war so much death

Spider man was going to consul her but stopped when he saw war machine heading to her

War machine:Babe are you alright

Carol looked at him with tear

Carol:We need to talk

At avengers tower
Captain America:We successful stopped Kang,Thxs to spider man

Iron man:Gotta say that was impressive

Fury:question is why did he fight so viciously seem so out of character

Captain America:More importantly what happened to danvers

At another room in the avengers tower

Carol was given a blanket and some and think off everything along side her was the A force

SheHulk,Spiderwomen,Medusa,crystal where all conforting carol

Spiderwomen:Go on tell us

Carol:New york was destroyed and there where so many tank trying to kill heroes and so many men send my the president to kill us all


Carol:She told me they fear us


Carol:I meet.. Sniff.. Meet my daughter

Everyone look at her surprise

Medusa:So you end up having a daughter in the future already exist and she hates me for not knowing she exist

Everyone's mouth drop

Jessica:Carol who is the father

Carol:I Don't know

SheHulk:What do you mean you don't know!


Medusa:Can you conform it she is your daughter


everyone was shocked

Carol:I have to stop this war from coming and find my daughters and figure out who is the father

Crystal:What about your boyfriend

Carol:I need to talk to him

Medusa:do you know her name

Carol:Yes..Erika danvers..her father keep it hoping i would come back to him..but i never did...he wanted to tell me but he saw me with rhodey..*tears start forming*

Shehulk:Ill tell this to tony and hope we can be prepared

Carol:Please go...i need to fix this problem and hope i can save my daughter

The a force members left
Then rhodey came in

Rhodey:babe are you alright what happened

Carol:Now it not the best time

Rhodey:you can tell me what happened

Carol:You wouldn't understand

Rhodey:i can just tell me

Carol:Ok i went to the future and saw the after math of a war and heroes surviving

Rhodey:then we can stop this war from happening

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