Chapter 17

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Carol hugged her daughter tightly as erika slowly went to sleep in her arma

Peter:shes been sleeping my old room you can lay her there

Peter took carol to his old room where she laid in the bed with erika

Carol:Sorry but i don't wanna leave her side

Peter:um sure no problem

Carol:Peter....Thank you for taking care of her

Peter:Its what a father does and i had help

Carol:I glad she accepted me

Peter:get some rest carol you'll need it

Peter left the room while carol got comfortable with her daughter

In carol head
I found you erika....i have you in my arms.....ill always be there and protect you .....ill always love you*kissing her head*

At the streets of new York
Militia:We apprehended several heroes but some have escaped as of now heroes are fugitives and must be brought in by our order

Reporter:What about the young heroes and the heroes with children

Militia:We are told to bring them with us and told to make future heroes by shield

Reporter:so your now working with shield

Militia:Yes indeed

Reporter:How long will this be for

Militia:as long as it is needed to enforce law as most villains now refuse to come out and commit a crime

Back at the house
Morning time

Carol woke up and was shocked to see that her daughter was not there


Carol quicky went out to go down stairs

Carol:Peter...Where is erika?

Carol saw Everyone getting served breakfast by peter

Peter:Calm down carol she right here

Erika looks at her mom and waves at her

Carol felt relieved and went to kiss her head

Erika smiles

May:Well i see your getting attached

Peter:Join us for breakfast

Carol sits next to his daughter

Peter:well no hero is going out they basically band us

Carol:i hope jessica and the other will be fine

Peter:You will have to stay here...till i start working on my land payments

Carol:land payments?

Peter:I bought land to build a home

Carol:You cant buy land in new york

Peter:No i bought it from a different state


Peter:So i can raise erika safe

Carol:Wait...if i never found out would you leave and not tell me

Peter:Carol you were in a relationship with war machine and got horribly drunk and became more focus on your ego and i didn't want erika to see that and if i find a her a new mom i hoped she would raise her right as erika needs a mom

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