Harry Sick

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Harry's POV
We had just finished an interview in NYC when I started to feel a bit off. My head started to hurt, and my stomach had a sick feeling. I shrugged it off, hoping it would go away. I made my way over to our dressing room, going over my bag and rummaged through it until I found some Tylenol, taking out two capsules before gulping them down with water. That will help.
As I was putting the Tylenol back into my back, a very familiar voice filled the room. "Hazza, what are you doing in here? They boys and I were going to go out for lunch" Louis said softly. I smiled. "I just had a headache, so I took some medicine" He nodded, "well let's go curly, I'm hungry" he said, reaching over to pinch my cheek. Still smiling, I nodded, following Louis behind as we made out to the streets on NYC.
As the day went on, I started to feel horrible. The headache seemed to come back in full swing, along with my aching tummy. By now, we were back at our hotel and in our rooms. I was rooming with Louis while Liam and Niall roomed together, and Zayn by himself. I went over to our bed and laid down. We had no other plans today so I figured resting would make me feel better. I rolled over onto my side, watching Louis walk out of the bathroom in a cooler outfit, a pair of shorts and a t shirt. I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Where are you going?" I said softly. "Liam and Niall wanted to go sightseeing, did you want to go?" He asked. I shook my head, "no thank you, I'm not feeling the greatest. Might stay in and rest today." I said softly.
I watched Louis shrug, "okay, suit yourself" he said before grabbing his backpack and walking out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts. I sighed, rolling onto my back. Some sleep should do me good. I thought. With that, I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up, I thought the whole world was spinning. My head pounded; my stomach churned with every breathe I took. I groaned, looking over at the clock. 3:35PM.

  I slept for only 20 minutes.

      Slowly, I sat up, immediately regretting it before I was running to the bathroom to empty my stomach. I kneeled in front of the toilet before throwing up whatever was left in my stomach. I placed my hands onto my forehead, only to feel it burning up. I must've had a fever. After I was done, I slowly got back up, flushing the toilet as I did before going over to the sink to splash my face with water and brushed my teeth. I made my way back into the room and laid back down, hoping Louis would come back soon.
20 minutes later I heard the door open. I looked over; it was Louis. I smiled weakly. "How was sightseeing?" I asked as he placed down his backpack. "It was good, lots of people, I can't imagine living here" he said as he made his way over to the bed. "don't get too close, I'm sick" I said softly. "How sick?" louis asked with worry. "I threw up earlier. I tried taking a nap hoping it would help but it didn't" I said frowning. "Oh Haz, I'm sorry I didn't take in consideration of how you actually were." He said softly, rubbing my back. I shook my head, "it's okay, you're here now" I said smiling. He nodded, smiling. "I am now, and I won't be leaving your side." He spoke.
With that, it was movies and cuddling up to each other for the rest of the day. Harry ended up being sick with the flu for about 3 days until he finally started to feel better.

Sorry this took so long! Hope you guys enjoy!! Xx

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