Epilogue - Sleepers Wake

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Time passed. Sophia spent two months at home, writing job applications and enjoying the landscape. The world was turning red; she'd never seen a more colourful autumn. She often walked down the country lanes to that lonely lamppost. It was better when draped in snow, but this was good too. Besides, she didn't walk alone.

"I've been looking for somewhere suitable," said Alexander as they strolled down a leaf-strewn road. "The thing is, I don't particularly know where I want to live. That does cause problems when trying to get a house."

"I might be able to help with that," said Sophia. She strode with a spring in her step, barely able to contain her excitement.

"What is it?" he said, grinning. "Come on now, what are you hiding?"

"I've got a job. I'm going to be a lab assistant."

"Oh, wonderful!"

"God knows how I got it, one of the other candidates was a PhD."

"Because you're brilliant, that's why."

He whirled her around and kissed her.

"Where are you off to, then?" he asked.


"Manchester? I've never been."

"Well you're going to now."

They walked in silence for a while longer, turning every few moments to look at one another. Sophia couldn't stop herself from smiling, and every time she looked at him, he smiled back.

"Shall we..." Alexander coughed. "Shall we look for somewhere to live together? I understand if not."

Sophia bit her lip. "Let's get separate places. For now. I don't want to go too quickly. But if it's all going well, then...we'll see."

She worried for a moment, looking at the falling smile on his face - but then that smile returned.

"Of course," he said. "That sounds...right."

They came to the lamppost and sat together on the mossy stone wall beside it, looking out over the fields.

"I've been thinking about something," said Alexander. "I know I can get money whenever I please, to set things in motion. But it feels like cheating."

Sophia held his hand. "Yeah?"

"I should try and do something. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I should try. I'm going to try and write for a living."

Good luck, thought Sophia, remembering how many undergrads she knew who thought to do the same thing. But that didn't matter.

"That's good," she said, leaning on his shoulder. "That's good."

"I know what you're thinking. It's not easy money. Maybe no money."

"Maybe. But it's the thought that counts, at this stage."

"Is it?"


He nodded. "Good."

They held one another, watching a flock of starlings sweep south in the sky.

"And I think I can get some good advice from someone," said Alexander.


Dressed in their Victorian best, the two of them stepped into the lobby of the lamplit hotel. They approached the desk arm in arm.

"Good evening, sir, madam," said the concierge.

"Good evening," said Alexander. "Could you take a message for me to Mr Wilde, please? I believe he is in."

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