With long, elegant strides she made her way towards me, towering over me even more than Jace does. Having to look up to even glance at her, I couldn't help but feel small in front of her, in front of all my mates which made my head involuntarily fall down. 

Three consequent growls forced my head up again, my mates now all next to me from all directions. I look up to have my eyes locked with Aurora's bright red ones, followed by her bending down a rubbing herself against me, forcing sparks through me, different from the ones with Tytus and Victor.

I know I feel emotions too intensely, and too quickly and it is often a bother to Ella but I don't know how to make them stop. How do I stop feeling insecure and satisfied all within the same minute- I'd pay to know that.

At the same time Victor and Ty started to nuzzle other parts of me, is this what heaven must feel like?  Feeling a bit more confident now, I had mischief on my mind.

I yipped at them and took off with a hop, running towards the tree line and not a minute later I heard growls followed my the sounds of three burly wolves giving me a 'chase'. They wouldn't need to take even a minute if they actually wanted me caught but played along with my act, letting out frequent growls indicating that they were getting closer and closer.

This game of chase, or predator and prey was hot to say the very least.

A swift fury of beige fur and dust made my advances come to an abrupt halt as Tytus had made his way in front of me and was giving me a wolf's version of a smirk. Turning to find an escape, I was stopped by Aurora and Victor looking down at me in a way that'd be very menacing if they weren't my mates.

Standing next to each other, Victor and Aurora contrasted each other perfectly with her white and his black fur, like pieces on a chess-board. Aurora lolled out her tongue meaning that she was in the mood to play with me- yesss!

Aurora doesn't really seem like Cami too much, and wolves ARE supposed to match their human's personality. Like Ella is skittish like me, or Victors is very dominant like Grey and Ty likes to goof around like Jace, but Aurora seems to be playful and fun- not too much like the Camille we've seen.

I went headfirst towards her, cherishing out first interaction ever, and she swiftly nuzzled into me making me melt. Further nuzzling into me and licking me, she made me fall onto my side with a wolfish grin- goddess she's perfect. I'm falling for her too quickly and she handles me with such affection too, I want her and I want her NOW.

Rolled onto my back by my mates, they proceeded to attack me playfully with their nuzzles and tongues, fun yet still very gentle with me. A fact that I know- that we were never meant to learn is that Grey is actually very ticklish- learned by Ella accidentally whilst sleeping. Now I'm really hoping that the same is true for Victor, and I took the chance.

I began to tickle him and he fell to the ground laughing- well as much as a wolf could but laughing nonetheless. Ty and Aurora also joined me in my attack against Victor who was squirming on the ground right now like a pup, taking full advantage of their position against him. Everything felt so much in sync when it was just us and no one else.

This is perfect, I cannot wait for them to mate already so that I can talk to my mates too.

A growl, no- more like a whine of pain racked through our forest, close to the border.  And here goes Marina's time with Marina's mates, replaced with having to deal with whatever was going on. I swear to the goddess, these people better mate quick so I can be with the wolves all the time.

It wasn't far from where we were and it didn't seem very hostile so Victor and Aurora decided to make way towards the source of the sound, followed by Jace and me. As we got closer to the sound, the whines of pain increasing in duration and in intensity, I began to feel worse and worse for the person.

Aurora growled at me to stay back but I growled right back at her to tell her that I wasn't going to stay back- it didn't seem dangerous after-all. Running through the arching woods with my mates trying so hard to keep up with them, we finally got to the source of the sounds of pain.

A she-wolf.

Not from our pack, smelled like the howler's and was currently lying naked on her stomach and evidently in very much pain. I could sense pain wafting from her trembling body in waves, and the pool of blood around her further pointed towards the tragedy she went through. Grey disappeared somewhere for a minute before returning with shorts on and a blanket which he threw over the she-wolf. 

She attempted to sit up with multiple groans of pain racking through her, as she covered herself up with the blanket that Grey got from Goddess knows where. I'm surprised that Victor handed him control back that easily after what happened.  

After turning I saw her, blood seeping from all parts of her body and her hair stuck to the clotted blood. Seeing her agony made my heart shrink onto itself, why must I feel pity and sorrow even for the enemy?

"What's your name?", asked Grey in his Alpha voice, commanding the poor trembling girl.

"Doesn't matter", she said in between deep breaths, "He's coming- he's coming this full moon" she continued, her heartbeat slowing down and her breaths becoming heavier and heavier. She seemed to be at death's gate as she spurt out information that didn't make much sense to anyone.

"Save- save yourself- this full....", she fainted from the blood loss. Aurora let out a howl to call for the healer, we must need this girl alive for us to know more about whatever she was talking about, plus she trespassed into pack territory- but first she needed to be healed.

Aurora inspected the girl whilst we waited on the healers, she circles her, smelled her, hell even nudged her, all in a attempt to get answers. The healers arrived within minutes and took away the trespassing she-wolf along with Grey after making sure she was sedated and that this wasn't a ploy against us. 

We travelled back to the clearing after Aurora and Tytus did a quick scope-out of our borders and upon finding nothing suspicious we returned. I stood there, not knowing where my clothes were since Grey always took care of them and he was currently gone with the healers.

Jace and Cami came out shifted back, and Jace carried a bundle of clothes in his hands and a pout on his face. 

"Aw- you got your own clothes?", he said sounding almost hurt when he looked at Cami who was already dressed. Upset that she wouldn't wear his clothes and wouldn't smell like him anymore- cute.

"Someone else might need some clothes, Jacey", she said as she smirked at me and I gave her a wide grin. Jace then put my clothes behind the clearing and I handed the control back to Ella.




i hope you're all having a lovely day and enjoyed this chapter

please consider voting on the chapter since I'VE BEEN FEELING UNMOTIVATED AF (no pressure folks)

N E WAYS we got out very first wolf P.O.V.



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