Pull the Pin (11)

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We find Joshua. The hatch opens and we reach down to grab him.

"Hurry up! Run!" Cade calls.

The ship gets hit and we fall off of the platform.  Hound and Bee fall as well. The ship falls into a place we can't see.

"I thought you said you had one prototype infected." Cade looks at Joshua.

"No, he's got operational control over my other 50." He says.

"You've got to be kidding." I groan and look down at the ones below us. We begin to walk across the roof.

"I may have started the apocalypse. But you brought your family, and we'll, you know that's terrible parenting."

"Shut up before I shoot you." I say, glaring at him.

Hound begins to shoot at them, but the prototypes are targeting the seed. So we get a few close calls with hits. We run across the roof, Bee and Hound covering us where they can. We get into the elevator but gunshots whiz by our heads, making us duck down. The door doesn't close. It's too much weight.

Cade and I walk out of the elevator and the door shuts. We avoid the gunshots and walk across the roof. Savoy tackles Cade and they fall. I pick Cade up and we continue to jump across the roof, Savoy close behind us. We work our way down the unstable roofing and panels.

Savoy tackles me into an apartment. Cade follows and I punch Savoy. He turns and lands a hit on Cade, going after him rather than me. I kick him into a cupboard. He grabs a vase and smashes it onto my head, opening a gash on my forehead. He holds Cade in a grip against the wall . Cade gets him off him. I see a football behind Cade. Savoy pulls out a knife. I grab the football and throw it at his head, making him from the knife. Running forward, I my foot collided with his chest, sending him out the window and falling to the ground.

We get to the ground. I hold my gun in hand while Cade has his slung over his shoulder. Bee is near. We run.

"Bee, where's Tessa?" Cade yells.

Bee points to the area just beside him. Cade dodges the plants to hug her.

"Okay, we have a dilemma here. I designed incredible robots, all designed to kick that fat transformers ass. So really, this is a no win situation." Hound spits out his bullet cigar. "I'm sorry you can't handle the cold hearted truth!"

We head through the city. Missiles hit all around us. Hound and Bee are shooting however they can. We run into a nearby building.

"Oh this is the perfect place to hide! A big glass box! Nobody will ever find us!" There's an angry sarcasm go his voice.

"Shut up Joshua!" I yell.

"We're getting boxed in, we're getting flanked everywhere! Help me out here! Kill anything that moves! Come on (Y/N), Cade, shoot!" Hound yells as he switches to guns with ammunition.

I raise the gun to eye level and begin to shoot, Cade breaks a window and does the same. A grenade goes off near us, sending dirt everywhere.

"I can't believe I'm putting my life in your hands!" Joshua yells from under the table.

I turn to face him. "Here. Be my guest. Take the gun. Go ahead take it."

"No, I don't want it."

"Then sit there and shut the hell up."

I turn back and continue to shoot where I can.

"Running out of guns and ammo!" He gets hit and falls against a bridge. "Come and get some!  Your all gonna die! That's it (Y/N)! I'm like a fat ballerina! Who takes scalps and slits throats!"

A grenade falls into the room. "Pull the pin! I'm dying out here!"

Joshua picks it up and Cade pulls the pin. "Give, give, give!" Hound yells. Cade gives the grenade to him and hound throws it with another one. "Got some bad news. Out of ammo, out of ideas."

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