I spent all my days missing you

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It has been seven whole days since Chris last saw Street. It is Wednesday, July 4th, and Chris is getting ready to go pick Street up from the airport. Street took off to Vegas with Buck last Wednesday after Buck asked him to be his witness while re-marrying his ex wife. Buck offered to pay for the trip and Street enjoyed his own hotel room, the only thing he missed was Chris.
He would've brought her too but when he asked her she reminded him they couldn't both ask for the week off to Vegas and it not be suspicious, also they would have to tell Buck and while he wouldn't tell anyone, it would still be awkward. Chris was driving through morning LA traffic, on her way to the airport, thinking about how much she missed Street this week. She had never missed someone this much except for when Erika moved away to Florida last year, after recovering from getting shot. She barely slept right this week and work wasn't as fun. She loved all of 20 squad, they were all her family but the connection Chris and Street have had since day one is unmatchable, she felt lonely and it was quieter without Street.


Street was driving them back to Chris' apartment when Chris started to say something.

Chris intertwined their hands, wanting to be physically touching some part of him.

"I missed you" is the first thing she says.

Street doesn't say anything at first, trying to hide his smile, focusing extra on the road and cars ahead of him.

Finally he turned to look at her.
"How was work?"

"Luca and Tan asked me twice about missing you but the work was mostly easy, no one got hurt, except Luca sprained his wrist playing basketball before work Thursday, he wouldn't tell us anything else, especially after Tan and Hondo started talking about him getting older." Chris informed him, smiling to herself while thinking about the conversation they had in the locker room Thursday, taking their time before going to do their weekly HQ duties.

"So you must have really missed me if they caught on? They don't know about us do they?" Street asked, sounding more worried than Chris for once.

"No, as far as I know, they don't know anything. Luca was talking about how Duke missed you because he went over to your bedroom door and whined because it was closed, I jokingly said he probably misses me too and Tan took that as me saying you missed me, then Luca seemed a little hurt or confused as to why I was picking you up today, I think they might be suspicious but they tease me all the time." Chris surprisingly sounded calm talking about the team being suspicious.

"So it sounds like I need to see Duke and Luca today?" Street asked, laughter in his voice.

"No, you're mine today, you can see them tomorrow"

"Sounds good to me"

They both got out of the truck and went up to her apartment for an afternoon of movies, a nap, and pizza for dinner. They enjoyed their food and each other's company and Street promised Luca he'd be back to walk Duke for his morning walk.

When they both got into bed that night they were watching Brooklyn-99 when Street looked over to Chris, who was still watching the tv, he smiled and turned on his side to face her.

"I forgot to tell you something Christina"

The use of her first name from him sent tingles down her.

"Hmmm, what?"

"I missed you too"

"Tell me about the trip" Chris requested.

Street sat up, turning the tv off and waiting for Chris to finish settling in, starting by telling her about the hotel he stayed in, the bar attached that he got drinks at and made a friend, and finishing with Buck's second marriage to his then ex-wife.

They both fell asleep and that was the first night Chris let Street hold her while sleeping, a week apart was enough for her to let her guard down a bit more and Street was more thankful than he would admit to.

This was really short and sweet, something I didn't plan on posting but as usual, came from a conversation with Sharna and is specifically for sharnawrites , she wasn't feeling well & requested sweet Chris/domestic stris. Hopefully this is good because I haven't had a lot of time to write the past few days but I wanted to post this since I talked to her about it a few days ago.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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