5x9 fix it

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Chris was sitting on the hospital bed inside Los Angeles Medical Center with a thin blanket and her phone next to her, waiting for the doctor to get there to put her knee back in place and hopefully send her home. She heard a ding to her left and picked up her phone to see the one & only, Street. She knew it would only be a matter of time before he texted or called, the latter coming through about ten seconds later.

"Hey, what do you want to eat?" Street inquired, the sound of his truck unlocking being heard through the phone.

"Really? That's your first question?" Chris expected him to ask what hospital she was at.
"Yeah, I figured you're starving since we never got to get lunch."

They had planned to get lunch together after she got back from her afternoon with Deacon.

"Wendy's is fine I guess, just a-"

Street cut her off, already knowing her answer.

"Grilled chicken sandwich, 10 piece nugget, ranch & a medium dr pepper."

"Do you want to know what hospital i'm in?" Chris inquired.

"LA Medical Center." Street answered with confidence. 

Chris is silent for a minute, wondering how the hell he already knew.

"I have your location, remember? I've had it since when you went undercover in Mexico and you dropped your pin an hour ago anyway. your food is on the way." Street responded after not hearing a response from Chris.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, Thanks Street." Chris finally said, red faced on the other end.

_ _ _

Two hours later Street and Chris were headed to Chris' apartment. Chris had been given pain meds and Street was staying with her for a couple days to make sure she didn't have a concussion and help her out. He had Luca meet him in the parking lot of the hospital with a bag of clothes & stuff he would need.

Street pulled up in front of her apartment and got out to help her out & up the stairs.

"I can do this Street"

Chris was being stubborn, hating that she couldn't be independent, it's bad enough she's out of the field for two months.

It had been hell having the doctors set her leg back into place and by the time they got in to her apartment and Street helped her sit on the couch and prop her leg up on the coffee table, it was already swelling & turning red again.

After she changed, as she had insisted on doing ten minutes after she sat down, Street got her a bag of frozen peas and a towel to place over her knee & then covered her in a blanket. He sat her unfinished dr pepper on the stand beside the couch and handed her phone and the remote to her.

"I'll be back in a minute, yell if you need me." Street informed her before rushing off to the bathroom with his duffel.

He came back in a minute, just like he had said he would, now dressed in gray sweatpants and an old Long Beach PD shirt with a black flannel over it, unbuttoned.

Chris' wondering eyes found the sweat pants first before immediately averting them back to her phone, smiling to herself as she clicked on a random dog picture.

"Hey, you look happy, the pain meds working yet?" Street sat on the couch to her left with a sweet tea Luca had also grabbed him on the way out.

"Something's working" Chris answered, trying to keep a straight face.

Street was oblivious and turned on Netflix, searching for a show to watch. Finding nothing, he switched to Hulu & turned on Brooklyn nine-nine.

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