Chapter 5: Is it Hot in Here?

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The next day, Hinata comes to work early, hoping to get a chance to talk to Kageyama before their shift starts. He paces for a few minutes, impatient, before Kageyama comes in looking like hell. His eye is black and blue, his lip is swollen and his knuckles are bruised and raw.

He sees Hinata and looks away, embarrassed. He goes to his locker, eyes downcast, and starts taking off his jacket. Hinata can tell his muscles are stiff and he's in some pain from the action. Poor guy.

Hinata comes up behind him, speaking softly so as not to startle a wild animal.

"Hey, Kageyama, how are you today?"

"I'm okay."

"You don't look so great."

"You should see the other guy."

Hinata laughs. "Did you just make a joke?"

Kageyama manages a small smile on the half of his mouth that isn't swollen.

"Seriously though, are you okay?" Hinata asks now, still concerned.

"I think so, a little sore, but I'm fine."

"Well I wanted to thank you again. I really appreciate it."

"No problem," Kageyama answers, looking slightly flushed.

"I also wanted to talk to you about last night," Hinata continues.

"Which part exactly?" says Kageyama evasively, suspecting what is coming.

"The part where I kissed you."

"Oh," says Kageyama softly, as he averts his eyes. He is suddenly severely self-conscious and feels the desire to run away from this conversation and this cute redhead.

Hinata comes to stand in front of him "I need to know if it was okay. I'm sorry if I was out of line."

"No," Kageyama finally meets his gaze, but then looks away again quickly. "No, it was okay."

"Okay, good," says Hinata, relieved. Then continuing, "So, I need to know something else."

"What?" asks Kageyama, managing to look at Hinata's face.

"Did you like it?"

Kageyama starts to look away again, but Hinata says, "No, please, look at me." It's soft and gentle but still a command.

Kageyama looks at him, cheeks flushed pink, wanting to curl up in a ball from embarrassment. But somehow, Hinata won't let him.

"Did you? Like it? Just say yes or no, that's all."

Kageyama gulps, but manages to say, "Yes" without breaking eye contact.

Hinata smiles a half smile. "Good. One more question then I'll leave you alone. Do you want to do it again? Again, just yes or no is fine."

Kageyama's blue eyes meet Hinata's brown ones. For a second, he can't believe this is happening, but somehow Hinata makes it easy to communicate. It's not so hard with him like it is with other people. So he just answers honestly. "Yes," he says.

Hinata's face lights up. "Good. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Kageyama nods and goes to work, feeling strangely like he's laid his soul bare, even though he's not said more than a dozen words.


That night after their shift, Kageyama walks Hinata home. Kageyama, as usual, lets Hinata do most of the talking, and that's okay with both of them. Occasionally Hinata asks a question and Kageyama answers. He's getting pretty good at answering Hinata's questions without feeling like he's going to die from embarrassment.

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