Wherever You Are, That's Where I'll Be

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You couldn't see Derek without seeing Stiles, and for obvious reasons vice versa. The two had been inseparable from the moment they'd met just seven years ago. In all honesty the main reason people found their relationship more odd than cute in the beginning was because they seemed like complete opposites. Derek was quiet, moody, and spent a nice amount of time working out. Stiles on the other side could never stop talking, a lot of the time he was the light of the party and couldn't step foot into a gym without passing out. But you could say that's why they were meant to be, they balanced each other out. You could see a softer side to the burly man whenever his other half was around. Stiles actually found himself with his mouth closed and listening for once whenever he was with Derek, hanging on to his every word like at any point it could be his last. They were the best of friends.

Or so they tried to convince people.

A rational third party with common sense could see just as easily as the next person that there was much more to uncover between the two, yet after almost a decade of knowing each other they'd only hit the tip of the iceberg.

On a day like any other Derek was heaving, glistening and gleaming in all his sweaty glory as he effortlessly pulled his body up before lowering it down again. Stiles, who was supposed to be helping by counting his pull ups, sat near by scrolling through pictures on Derek's phone "Do you think I should grow my hair out again?" he asked out of the blue, seemingly forgetting about the task at hand.

"7...6...5" for a moment Stiles went ignored as Derek realized he'd have to start keeping track himself.

Until his friend very quickly became impatient and threw a stray towel his way "Hellooooo"

"...2...1...I'm trying to finish my sets, no thanks to you" he huffed out, falling from the bar with a rough sigh "As for the hair, do what you please with it, just promise me you won't buzz it again"

"Wha-, you said you liked it!"

"Because you liked it, and I like to make you happy" Derek admitted still out of breath and dripping in sweat. Like it was a normal thing to do he punctuated the statement with a kiss to Stiles' temple, instantly removing his pout.

"I guess you're right. I really went crazy with the clippers"

"Just a little" Derek glanced around his home gym debating on continuing or not. He'd never admit this because the boy would just feel bad and stay away, but Derek would tone down his workouts when ever Stiles was around. The kid was too distracting and Derek was a sucker for paying attention to him, he'd do it all day "I'm going to hop in the shower"

"Cool, I will wait in your bed and order us pizza"

"That completely defeats the purpose of my work out"

"Fine, I'll wait in your bed and order me pizza. You can eat your bird food and watch me grub" Stiles rephrased himself, the delivery service already up on his phone as he headed up the stairs. Derek shook his head in fondness, patting himself with a towel "What are you thinking? Movie or show tonight?"

They stayed in Derek's bed for about an hour, just until the sun had begun to go down. Stiles had a perfectly shaped imprint of his body there on the mattress dug out over the years of making himself at home in Derek's space.

"Hey big guy" Derek startled himself from the fridge, realizing he wasn't home alone. Erica had snuck in sometime between Stiles leaving and Derek catching a nap.

"Give me a heart attack why don't you" and she only laughed, hopping onto the counter, smiling wickedly. Derek took her in, noting that it had been a while since he'd actually seen his friend "What's up? I feel like I haven't seen you in while, so much for being roommates"

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