Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 20

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" And tha-that's beau-beautiful. Girls I want you to try hard to pro-promise me you'll be good for Jessie and you'll be there when she needs you..... and you will look after your brother.... Can you do that for me... can you take care of your brother..." Lesley asked

Jesslyn nodded and both her and Genesis gave Lesley a small hug and a kiss " We just want you to get better.... We need you to stick around for awhile." Genesis said.

" I love the 3 of you very much I need you to kno.... to know that." Lesley started to lose consciousness again but Jesslyn stayed at her side " we do know Momma... we know more than you know and we love you just as much"

" You girls take your brother into the other room. I'll be right there in a minute..." Jessie asked

Jessie stayed with Lesley for a few minutes and promised her she'd look after the kids and Rick.

" Lesley it's okay, don't try to say anything just listen. I'm gonna promise you what you've always done for me I'm gonna give back to you, anything those kids will need or Rick, I got it I'm gonna be there when they need me I promise you they're gonna all be okay and so will I. You were always there for me when I needed someone to turn to so I am returning that back to you" Jessie said softly

Rick sat over by the coffee table on the couch trying to wrap his mind around the situation and the reality of what's been taking place. Ironically it's not his heart that's having real difficulty with everything, it's his mind that's refusing to understand why it was happening, and why it had to be Lesley who continued to suffer only to later lose her battle.

" I hate that the kids won't be here to spend time they should get to have with her... They should be able to... Lesley should be getting ready to see them go off to school for the first time again... But she's not gonna get to see that she won't get to be there when they graduate and start college or they have their first boyfriends... She's gonna miss all of that..." Rick got out

" Rick you will be and where you go, she will be there because Lesley's always gonna be in your thoughts and in our prayers... She'll always be in our hearts everyday. You hold on to that.. tell her what you need to tell her. " Steve replied while Audrey took the kids out to the car.

" Steve, tell me how I'm supposed to just say goodbye to her... I don't think I can bring myself to let her go, nevermind saying goodbye to her either. l couldn't even wrap myself with the idea of her to maybe see and date someone else when we were divorced.... My jealousy always showed the moment I heard another guy's name."

" When the right time comes along Rick, and you feel that small sense of peace you'll know... You'll know Rick because she will... The moment she feels she's ready to let go.... you'll know." Steve responded

Steve went up to see Lesley for a couple of minutes so Jessie took the opportunity to sit Rick down again for another talk

" Lesley stood up to me at the beginning when I tried to push her away because at that time I had just lost my son. How she knew that I would never understand but she told me she was not about to turn her back to me... That was nearly 50 years ago and every day since we have had a close bond between us and I couldn't trade that for anything in the world."

" Rick, I know that you're struggling with this and you're trying to get through it because I'm doing the same thing it breaks my heart with what's happening to her... You and Lesley have always had a strong connection that will never change, not even now... I can't tell you how to find that strength to let her go... Only you can find that when the right time comes itself but I can tell you this Lesley has always felt better with you right there and that Rick is what means to her most..."

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