Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 4

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Monica stood in silence for a short moment as she saw what looked like fear in Rick's eyes and heard it in his tone of voice too

" It's not her heart is it?" Monica asked

" Not that I'm aware of and that's what scares me Monica because she hasn't come to me she won't tell me what's wrong."

" I saw her just a few weeks ago before she was brought in alittle while ago. She had slight bruising to her arms Rick… I noticed when she was first admitted before you came back from Nevada and then after her last appointment.” Monica answered

“ Monica you don’t think it could be something more serious than just from the transplant do you?”


" Aunt Jessie I don't see what the issue would be Jesslyn and I along with Regan and Becca are just gonna study and chill... Why is it a problem that we go up to our room?” Genesis asked 

" Because Genesis your mother is upstairs and isn't feeling good and the last thing she's gonna need is for there to be noise that's gonna get her upset and because as her cardiologist,  Dr. Quartermaine and 3 other doctors were clear to your father and I that minimal exposure is very important when your mother is very sick because of the risks for infections that can be very dangerous... So you guys can study down here or go over to your friend's house to study and hang out but going upstairs right now is not an option for right now. Genesis look at me….” Jessie asked “ lf your mother wasn’t as sick as she is right now, isolation and all of that wouldn’t be paramount or a priority but it is where she's of concern because she’s sick so please meet me halfway.” Jessie explained firmly

" Okay fine we won't go upstairs or at least we won't bring our friends up there..." Genesis replied

" Jesslyn alittle bit later I want to talk to you for alittle bit…” Jessie said and before heading up to check on Lesley.

" Okay..." Jesslyn called out. 

Jessie started to pick up around the bedroom while Lesley was resting and later went to see if Lesley needed anything

" Lesley, is there anything I can do for you?” Jessie sat next to Lesley's bedside

" I'm alright.... l’m okay Jessie I feel okay.... Course it's just the beginning after Jerry changed the chemo so tomorrow and after that could be different... Jessie I'm so thankful that you are there with me.... I don't know how I would get through this without you." 

" I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing than to help you when you need me to... You're my daughter blood or not" Jessie said while reaching for Lesley's hand.

Trying to relax, Lesley started to feel like she was gonna be sick to her stomach where she needed to head for the bathroom. 

" Lean on me Lesley.... It's alright, it's what I'm here for." 

" I.... I fe-feel like I'm gonna be sick." Lesley got out when she started vomiting again that afternoon. 

" Easy... It's alright Lesley, try to relax..." Jessie replied while trying to help Lesley back to lay down but Lesley had trouble with her breathing. 

“ Ha-have the kids gotten home from school? I have to…” Lesley winced “ I have to talk to them… they need to know of some of wh-what’s go-going on” 

" Lesley take a deep breath right now you need to try to get some rest... I can handle talking with the kids... I actually will be pulling Jesslyn aside later to talk to her... But right now I'm gonna attend and make sure you are taken care of.” Jessie helped Lesley back to lay down to relax and had reached to get Lesley's respirator mask.

Terminal DiagnosisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora