Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 10

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Lesley had to take a moment when she suddenly wasn't feeling right but hurried to tell Rick what she wanted to tell him

" I love you Rick.... And I miss you so come home soon but finish your trip don't just rush home just because I miss you or because you think something is wrong because I'm okay..." 

" Lesley I love you more than anything else.... I'll be home soon.. In the meantime I want you to get some rest and take care of yourself until I get home." Rick replied

Lesley finally got off the phone to head home after her appointment with the oncologist so she could lay down and try to get some sleep.

Lesley and Jessie were waiting for Lesley’s appointment but had no reason to think that her scans and her blood work was going to show any abnormalities as Lesley’s weight was back up where she thought it was to be and she seemed to feel alright.

“ Jessie i’m so glad that you’re with me course I wish that Rick was here too.” 

“ Lesley I’m gonna be there for the long run. Don’t ever think that I won’t” Jessie wrapped her arm around Lesley just before Lesley’s name was called by the nurse for her to go in first.


Over the next couple of days, Lesley seemed to feel alright but noticed that she did lose about 30lbs again but she passed it off that she was taking things real easy since she had just started to get back into the swing of things after the time she had to spend with going through Chemotherapy.

" Lesley, are you sure you don't want me to set up an appointment for you?" Jessie asked while concerned for Lesley's health

" Jessie, I'm gonna be okay. I just need to get some sleep and continue to take it easy. It was a long day today for me." Lesley replied trying to downplay how she felt

After a few hours and the kids had gotten home, Jesslyn thought it would be okay to go upstairs to check on Lesley and see if she wanted to talk for alittle bit

" Co-come in.." Lesley called out from the bathroom

" Momma it's Jesslyn I thought maybe we could talk for alittle bit..." Jesslyn replied

" Of course we can chat.... Could you help me to get back into bed? It seems that your dad, in his charming yet strange sense of thinking, didn't take the chair for me out of the car before he had to leave for his flight… l use it when l feel l would need to. " Lesley replied and Jesslyn helped Lesley to get back into bed

" l’m glad that you’ve gotten better and you’re not sick anymore. I just hope that the cancer doesn’t come back.”

" So do I but hey me and the doctors and your dad we're gonna do our best to not let it come back... And if it were to come back then I will fight it as hard as I will be able to and right up until I can't that I will promise you...." Lesley answered 

" Daddy's on his way home... I talked to him alittle bit ago...." Jesslyn replied

" Yeah I did too... Do you have any homework?" Lesley asked

" Yeah alittle I was gonna do it later... Right now I kinda wanna just spend some time with you.. And just… I just want to have the time with you. "

" Why don't we go and do it now so you don't have to worry about it... Come on, we can do it together if you want...." Lesley insisted and offered to help 

" Can we do it in alittle while though... Honestly Momma I would rather just relax and just spend some time with you without anything else..." Jesslyn tried to hide her train of thought

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