Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 20

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Lesley and Audrey spent a few minutes to talk before everybody was able to stop by to see her while they had the opportunity.

" how's everything at the Hos-Hospital." Lesley asked

" Oh well you know how crazy some things get at times... Everything is taken care of at the hospital... How are you doing." Audrey replied

" It's rough but I'm fighting at my har-hardest for Rick... And the kids... I just wish Rick didn't have to go through this." Lesley replied as well as she could

" I can't imagine how you must feel having to go through all of this....If there's anything Steve and I can do let us know... We're always glad to help when you need it." Audrey said gently

" There is.... There is some-something you could do" Lesley got out in spite of her respiratory struggles

" Whatever you need Lesley" Audrey replied

" Take the kids.... They shou... They shouldn't have to be arou-around to see me like this.... '' Lesley pleaded

" They can stay as long as you need... Try to get some rest..." Audrey replied

" No... If I were to rest I may not wa-wake up again... I don't want to miss an-anything..." Lesley replied in spite of the amount of pain she was in.

Audrey stepped out and went to head downstairs to get Rick in the living-room...

" Is Lesley alright?" Rick asked

" Yeah she's asked for you and... She asked that the kids come stay with Steve and I for alittle bit..." Audrey replied

" I think that's a good idea, they shouldn't be here to see Lesley like this and Riley he knows something is wrong but I haven't been able to get around to really telling him and..." Rick replied and sat down on the couch.

" Would you like me to get a few things together for the kids?" Jessie asked

" Would you?... I don't think I could face this right now and they don't need to see me looking like this." Rick replied

Jessie got a few things together for the kids and sat down to talk to them for a moment

" Girls... Riley, come sit for a moment your mother's not doing too good right now so you're gonna spend some time with Dr Hardy and Audrey so me and your father can help make sure your mom is okay..... let's go give your mother a hug tell her that you love her." Jessie said and added

" stay with me though please... Riley I mean it I don't want to have to tell you again I want you to stay with me because your mother isn't doing good right now and there's only so much she's able to do..."

" But Momma's gonna get better isn't she... Like she's not gonna leave us.. right?"

" Jesslyn, me and your Dad are gonna do everything we can possible I promise you that."

" Mom's got to get better.... Her birthday is coming up soon." Riley said but moved away

" Riley I promise you your father and I will do everything we can to help her. I know it's hard on you guys. The best thing to do is try our best to show your mother that we're gonna be okay. Even through the worst of times"

Jessie let the twins and Riley spend a couple minutes with Lesley before they left with Steve and Audrey and then she moved to head downstairs to talk to Rick for alittle bit.

" We love you Mom... We made this for you as well as our 5th class.... We hope you feel better soon.. And all of our friends are praying for you too" Genesis sat alongside with Jesslyn at Lesley's side.

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