Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 8

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Rick had to take a few minutes to answer and tell Jessie what really scared him because he never had a nightmare like that before

" I know you wanted me to get some sleep last night Jessie and I tried... But something kept telling me to stay up incase Lesley needed something or if something was wrong... I never thought I would have a nightmare like what I just had nevermind about my wife..." Rick started to tell Jessie about the nightmare.

" Take your time Rick, it's okay and Lesley is alright.." Jessie sat beside Rick in the waiting area.

" I had finally got the kids off to school.... I went back upstairs to help Lesley get up and ready but she wasn't waking up and I guess I started freaking out. I called you and.... I called for an ambulance... I think that's when I probably tried again to wake her up and I felt that she was cold to the touch... You woke me up after that... God I don't think I could get through it if I were to lose Lesley..."

" Rick you won't lose her and neither am I. Lesley has made it this far and I believe she'll continue to get better... You Rick have to believe that too." Jessie replied just as Lesley finally came out from radiology..

" I'm okay... Once the scans and all of that come back Dr Richards will be in to see us about where we stand... Rick, have you been crying.. what's wrong?" Lesley looked between Rick and Jessie..

" Oh it was nothing sweetheart, how are you feeling..." Rick attempted to change the subject

" Rick I'm okay... and I know when you are trying to change the subject... Now what made you so upset...?"

" I'm gonna give you some time to talk... You remember what I said." Jessie said and looked towards Rick

Jessie stepped away while there was a chance for Rick and Lesley to talk before Dr Richards got all of her tests and scans back " Rick please don't do that, don't turn slightly from me.... Please talk to me and tell me what got you upset... and don't tell me it was nothing because you were upset enough that it had you in tears so talk to me... does it have something to do with me again?" Lesley insisted on Rick opening up to her about his nightmare

" I stayed up all night last night... I tried to get a couple hours of sleep but I wasn't able to.. so I stayed up and just watched you sleep... While you were having your usual testings I had fallen asleep..."

" You had another nightmare... Didn't you... About me?" Lesley sat back alittle bit."

" Lesley I really don't want to think about it because the thought abt it becoming a reality is gonna be the worst that will happen."

" Don't do that to me Rick don't shut down on me now... Talk to me and tell me what's wrong" Lesley insisted

Rick started to open up little by little about his nightmare and what it all was while Lesley and him were waiting to see Dr Richards on her progress.

" Rick I'm gonna be okay I really believe that... I haven't felt better than I do right now.... And I mean that I really do feel good right now. Please don't be so frightened." Lesley reached for Rick's hands

" I love you Lesley... Nothing's ever gonna change that..." Rick gave Lesley a kiss just as Dr Richards was ready with her medical reports.

" I ran these twice just to be sure that they were definitive and accurate..." Dr Richards started and Lesley gripped on Rick's hand for support.. " How to explain this, I wouldn't have a clue because just a few weeks ago your tests and everything else was an indication that you were not gonna survive this As your body started shutting down. I don't know what to think of your recovery and the remarkable improvement with the treatment that you have been on from Day 1."

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