Chapter 606-610

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BTTS 606

Chapter 606. Got to give a good scolding

Before Zhou Kai could say a few words, his dad hung up the phone.

Zhou Qing Bai was busy. There was no time to chat with him. Many people came over and ordered dumplings. He got to make it for them to collect at the appointed time.

Zhou Kai rubbed his nose. He wanted to chat with his mom. They could talk for more than half an hour. With his dad, he would hang up after a few words.

He also wanted to talk with his sister.

Zhou Qing Bai was too occupied for this. Once he come back, won't he know then?

He worked away until noon. Taking advantage of the kids having lunch there, Zhou Qing Bai packed a portion and brought it to his wife.

Lin Qing He said, "It's time to take out our car."

"Third only has one class in the afternoon. Let him come back and watch the shop." Zhou Qing Bai stated.

He and his wife had to go to the outskirts. If something happens, it can be dealt with in time.

Lin Qing He nodded.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Gui Lai came back to watch his sister. As for what his parents were doing, he didn't ask them. He wanted to mind his sister.

But he didn't need to do much as she was asleep. So he was just keeping guard at home.

Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai caught the bus to the outskirts, found a remote place with no one around, and withdrew the car. The couple drove the car and returned.

Altogether it took an hour or so and the car was 'shipped' back.

Zhou Gui Lai was shocked when he found out: "Wasn't it sold?" 

He thought it wasn't brought back and got sold.

"Wasn't sold. Your dad knew an old acquaintance who retired and started these transportation. There were a good few cars and was brought over together." Lin Qing He explained.

Zhou Gui Lai's attention wasn't on this. What he cared about was that his family had a car!

He ran downstairs to look at the car at once. He was so excited. He already knew how to drive but hadn't got the license yet.

When Second came back, he saw the car and was stunned for a moment. He spoke, "When did the car come back?"

"Dad's old comrade helped drive it back. Second Brother, go, take me out for a ride. Go to Grandfather and Grandmother's side to show off." Zhou Gui Lai said in joy.

"I'll go up and get the keys from Dad." Zhou Xuan replied. He wanted to drive it out for a ride.

Zhou Qing Bai didn't stop them and gave him the key.

The two brothers drove the car around before heading to their grandparent.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou saw the car then and was also stunned: "This isn't your second brother-in-law's car. Where did this car come from?"

"My dad bought it. He bought it at Hai City. I thought it was sold. Unexpectedly, it was driven back by someone." Zhou Gui Lai grinned, "Grandfather, let's go the hot spring tomorrow with God-grandfather."

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