Part 9

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It was the day of the trip to the new ruins, and they were already off. There was Principal Bump, Luz, Amity, and six other students not important enough to get names on the ship. Three days have gone by since Luz saw that vision from the mirror, and she still wasn't completely alright. Why? She had read about character deaths, and seen her fair share of deaths in popular anime, and of course she cried  and felt horrible afterwards, but this was different. She wasn't emotionally invested in what she saw from the mirror, and something about the emotions she was feeling felt unnatural.

Amity noticed that Luz wasn't in her right mind and went to talk to her. "Hey Luz, is everything alright?"

Luz snapped from her train of thought and looked back at Amity. "Oh, Amity. Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Anything I can help with?"

"No, no, I'm fine, really. It's nothing you need to worry about." Luz's voice quivered as she almost forced those words out of her mouth. Why? What was happening to her?

Amity responded to this by placing her hand on Luz's shoulder. "Luz, are you really ok? Whatever it is, you can tell me. That's what friends are for, aren't they?"

Luz felt something tug at her heart, and her mood stared to lighten. She turned and looked Amity directly in the eye and felt her face get hot. Had Amity always have such pretty eyes?

"Okay class," called Bump, ruining the moment. "We will soon be arriving at the ruins. Keep in mind that Ms. Bestow is giving us special access to see these, and these ruins might be be even older than the Boiling Isles. So don't be stupid and ruin the ruins, Okay?"

All the students replied "got it" and soon enough they were there. From far away, the ruins looked like a giant stove pipe, that clearly went several meters under water. From up close, it was an extremely well crafted structure. Some rooms looked like they could be brand knew if they didn't look so ancient.

After meeting up with Lana Bestow, who had purple skin, four ears, and white skin, she gave a tour of what was available to them. She mainly talked about theories about what the rooms could have been used for and what the art on the wall was.

Although Luz was interested in all of this, one painting grabbed her attention the most. It was a massive, red silhouette with horns, and other designs on it's body. "Hey Ms. Bestow, what is this," she asked.

Lana looked back at the painting, then turned back to Luz. "That, miss human, is a titan." Luz suddenly heard a brief high pitched noise and suddenly remembered that she unintentionally packed the mirror in her bag. She suddenly become very uncomfortable.

Sorry it's been so long, I do not have a believable excuse, so I'll say I was lazy.

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