Part 3

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Luz examined the mirror up and down, as if looking for something. Thoughts and theories about where it came from flooded her mind. This is the first time she saw something that looked so expensive on the Boiling Isles.

"Kid you've been staring at that thing for 10 hours," Eda said, pulling Luz out of her thoughts, "it's getting creepy."

Luz looked to her mentor, who was sitting on the couch drinking apple blood. "Sorry Eda, it's just that this is such a beautiful mirror. Where did it come from? Who owned it? Could it be MAGIC?! OH MY GOSH! What if it is?  What if I now have a magic mirror?"

King, who was play with his doll Francois, chimed in. "Highly unlikely. Magic mirrors are usually just carnival tricks. Their nothing special."

"However," Lilith started as she entered the room, "mirrors can be used in the illusion track to help confuse and amaze others. And I would also like to know where this mirror came from."

"You too Lily?" Eda asked. "It's cute when Luz does it but now it's just weird."

Lilith turned to her sister and gave her an annoyed stare. "Don't you have school tomorrow, Luz?"

"Oh shoot, your right! Goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow!" With that Luz ran upstairs, leaving the two sisters (and king) alone.

"So what's up sis?"

"Come now Edalyn, your not the least bit curious where that came from and how it ended up on the beach?"

"No need to be curious if you are going to tell me anyways." Her sister's comment put a smug look on Lilith's face. She then pulled out the box the mirror was in from... who knows where, and held it up.

"Whoever owned that thing really didn't want anyone to get their hands on it. There were 29 different charms, spells, and curses to make sure it was magic proof. I think the only reason we were able to open this dang thig was because seawater eroded the chain and lock. But that's not all, look under the padding."

Eda took the box and did what her sister told her. When she lifted the padding and saw what was carved on the bottom, her eyes widened. A coven symbol was carved on the bottom of the box, a coven symbol that resembled a human skull. It was a forgotten symbol to most, but not to the two sisters.

"The Dark Coven?"

"It shook me the first time I saw it too. I'm sure you have your own set of questions, but right now the only thing we need to know, is that mirror dangerous?"

"Meh, I'm not worried about it to much. They're all dead anyways."

"Their not all dead though," Lilith mumbled slowly. 

Eda jolted up. "What do you mean?!" she almost yelled.

"There is one last living member of the Dark Coven. He is imprisoner under the Conformatorium. The emperor brought me there once."

"Well if he is under the most secured prison on the Isles, I'm sure were still fine. So what was he like?"


"The Dark Coven member, what was he like? Was he powerful?"

Lilith though for a moment, trying to reclaim memories. "The cell was to dark, so I couldn't see his face. I can't remember what he said his name was, but I know it was fake." She thought harder, "his voice altered as he spoke, and the way he talked made it clear that he was going insane. Then there was his power," Eda noticed a shiver go down her sisters back, "That was horrifying. I never in my life thought a creature could possess that much magical power! That was easily the scariest thing I've witness in my life."

Eda had never seen her sister tremble like this before. She wrapped Lilith in a blanket and started pondering. There was no way he could escape, right?

Luz laid on her sleeping bag looking at the ceiling. Her mind was to full for her to sleep. She turned her head over the mirror, which was propped up against her stuff. Getting bored, she decided to practice her glyphs. She pulled out a sketch pad and quickly drew a light glyph, her every action being reflected in the mirror. 

A strange hum filled room, getting gradually louder and louder. Luz scanned the area, wondering where that noise was coming from. As she did this however, the room began to blur. A strange white light burst from the mirror, nearly blinding the human girl. A strong wind blew around her. And in another flash of light, Luz was no longer in the Owl House.

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