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CHAPTER FOUR;she writes to my soul

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she writes to my soul.



z 🛸 | @redspacegirl • 30 min ago
it's 4:27 a.m. and i cant sleep 👽

every time i look at a mirror,
i am reminded of the universe.

not as the vanity of a human's desire,
neither for the thirst of power our species
seem determined to swallow.

every time i look at a mirror,
i see the galaxies blink back.

not as a means of faux poetisism,
neither for the entertainment of the
philosophical few.

no, every time i look at a mirror,
i watch the cosmos inhale.

i stare at my reflection and i realize,
am everything.

i am the breathing universe tasting itself,
caressing itself, holding itself.
i am 14 billion years of intergalactic
progression. i am the rise and fall of every
planetary system, the birth and death of every
star, the very love child of every atom bonded together.

there is miracle in my veins and star-matter
woven in my heart. there is a galaxy's kiss
on my cheek, its cosmic dust between my
lashes, it's attentive hand on my shoulder.

on a galactic scale, i am no one.

but when i see flesh, soul and heart,
everytime i look at a mirror, i realize i am
the universe.

- Z :)

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username what thr fuck this is so beautiful imgoing to cry

username ripping my hair rolling in the floor vomiting foaming at the mouth hitting my head against a wall crying losing my mind

username dream liked
username sapnap has him enjoying some quality writing

username and once again z redspacegirl has outdone themselves

username can i live in ur mind pls i'll pay rent
redspacegirl sure! :)

sapnapalt literal chills dude. ur so talented
redspacegirl thank you!!! that's so sweet :)

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