Episode 1 - Searching for her

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"Thank you for saving us."

"I don't know you we're here to safe us."

"Yah, and we're sorry we treat you bad, so we promise we treat you better."

"It's that little bit to much."

"Shut up."

"We love you so much, you're the best."

"You're the awesome hero."

"Let's cheer them on."

"Setting! Setting! Setting! Setting! setting! setti-."

I woke up. Oh, that was just a dream. A dream about a weeks ago, oh great. I get up, brush my teeth, and go down the stairs to get some breakfast. I sit down, eating my cereal.

"So, are you ready to go to school." My mom said. She's a camera, very caring to the all of us. Especially me, because she's was shock while i kill a red goob monster.

I look at her "Mom, you can just expect force us into school. I'm literally been here for a weeks."

"You mean 'we'" Option try to correction my word. This is my big brother, Option. He's a wrench. He's use to be adventure with us. Except he's not enjoying while we force him. There's no other option. So we force join us, or survive on there own with a virus.

"I know, but you have to school. Plus, you will be popular around the school. Like a cool kid." My dad said showing to be cool. He's a game controller. He's really don't good at playing video game. But, he prefer collected.

"Dad, that's embarrassing. But mom, is this a good idea." I said.

"Sorry sweaty, we give you a 1 week break from all that disaster. I'm sure you're be fine." Mom said reassuring me.

"Fine." I sigh

You know, i wish our adventure will never end. Sure, our city got ruin, half of a citizen are alive, and the internet tower, probably broken. But this is gonna be great day. I guess.

I wish Pinkkis was here.

*unity intro from the top*

Setting's POV

When the bells ring, i stood up, and rush out of the class. Avoiding eye contact every kid in the school. Of course there gossiping, but this is not ordinary gossip. I'm literally hero of this city. Sure is awesome to be famous, but not this famous.

I rush to my locker room, and that's when i meet up Option.

"Hey Setting, how is it feel like to come back to school, hm." Option said smirking me

"Well, horrible. So how is your perfect grade of yours, hmm." I said trying annoying him.

"Well, teacher said that i don't need anything to learn." Option said

"What! How."

"Well because i'm the hero of this city and she-."

"You actually smarter, so you don't need to learn." I crossed my arm. Glaring at him.

"What. No, it's-." I raise my eyebrow.

"Fine. Yes, i do. But i know you don't have a good day. So ciao." And Option left.

Ugh. It feels like the time before King Virus show up. And the time i want to get out this city. And the time i'm really don't good at my lesson.

You know what, i'm give up.


I knock Google's laboratory, which is place almost far away from the city. Because he's say that there experiment is wild crazy and almost blew up. Which is reasonable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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