Unknown Home

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Where am I? What happened? How did I get here?

Sam awoken from her sleep confused on what had happened so she decided to venture about to find out what or who had brought her here.

The staircase was hand carved from oak and it looked magnificently beautiful. As for the doors, they were painted white and the shine of them made them look new. But still no one was in sight.

"This is strange. I thought I would see someone by now."

She decided, after a while of searching, to go and see if anyone was in the living room. And. There was. A woman and a man, both looking shocked and relieved.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

"Umm I'm Alison and this is my husband David. We found you unconscious in an alleyway last night so we brought you here. Just for safety. Also when we found you this was the only thing you had with you."

Alison handed Sam over a fob watch and at this Sam was confused.

"Thanks, but all I remember is leaving my apartment in east London and heading out to the shops."

They all stayed silent for a bit, while Sam was thinking then it dawned on her all of a sudden.

"Alison! of course. Sorry I didn't remember you before it's just I've had a lot on my mind. Man, how could I be so stupid. Oh sorry. Names Samantha Robinson, or Sam for short, it's a privilege to meet you."

She stretched out her arm to shake hands with David then looked over to Alison.

"Uh... Sam?" Alison asked. "From what I last recalled you don't have an apartment you live in a time machine."

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't live in a time machine. They haven't been invented yet." Sam said while laughing.

"Oh, sorry my mind must be muddled up with something else for you see I had a dream of a person living in a time machine and saving the universe from horrific aliens. I don't even know why I dreamt that." Alison rambled, trying to cover up what she said before. She has an idea now on why Astrea doesn't remember much.

"Sam," David piped up, "Why don't you go into the kitchen and help yourself to anything for breakfast. Okay."

"Okay, but I'll be back shortly."

"Okay." Alison and David said in unison as Sam wondered off into the kitchen.

"David I think I know what's wrong with Sam." Alison whispered to him.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"I think she used the Chameleon Arch to turn herself human because she said to me before that she would never use it unless something terrible is, has or going to happen that she can't stand to remember."

"How long will it last?"

"Only until she opens her fob watch and turns back to normal but for now don't mention anything of the kind, understood?"

David just nodded his head, kissed Alison goodbye and headed to work.


"Hi, who are you?"

"My name's Alison. Who are you?"

"I'm called Astrea. I'm named after the goddess of the stars but you can just call me by my earth cover name Samantha Robinson or Sam for short. It's a pleasure to meet you, Alison."


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