Logan's Childhood

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Summary: Logan talks to his mom about his fears and he's reassured that everything is, indeed, going to be fine.

A little later in the day both Virgil and Logan were sat on the floor with Patton, Ms Sanders sat on the nearby sofa watching her son and son-in-law proudly. She felt this proud when she saw her youngest son with his newborn almost seven years ago, back when she had the excitement of Roman being fresh out of college and married to his high school sweetheart and Logan was in a serious, committed relationship with the man he'd later marry. Now she watched her oldest son with the same fondness. He looked like the good father she always dreamed of her sons becoming.

"'ogan can you read?" Patton chirped, cuddling up on Logan's lap and holding his teddies to his lips. After being a mother for over thirty years Ms Sanders could immediately translate that small action to the little boy feeling a little tired – he had lost a lot of his energy already in the hour or so that the older woman had been in the house. Logan complied and asked Virgil to get one of the books from a small corner bookshelf that the couple must have recently installed, but then Ms Sanders remembered what she rushed into the nearest toy store to get.

The new grandmother leant down and gave the shy toddler a happy smile. "I have a present for you kiddo!" Patton perked up hearing that, escaping Logan's gentle grasp to walk over to the older woman. Ms Sanders revealed a small toddler book, brand new, and named 'First Big Book of Space'. "This was Logan's favourite book when he was your age – do you want him to read to you?"

Patton nodded excitedly and grabbed the book out of Ms Sanders' hands, running over to Logan and sitting with him. Virgil snuggled up too, probably to look at the book's colourful pages, and leant on his husband's shoulder. Within a few minutes Patton was lying completely on Logan and Logan gently placed his little glasses off.

"I'll take it from here sweetheart." Virgil kissed a peck on Logan's lips and whispered, taking Patton and holding him in his arms. F'oggie fell but was immediately picked up again by Logan and placed between the toddler and Virgil's chest. The pair seemed to have a silent communication as Virgil carried Patton up to bed quietly to leave Logan with his mother.

Logan seemed happy as he watched Virgil struggle up the stairs, his hands in his pockets and a small smile on his face. "You look so happy Logie." Ms Sanders said quietly, trying not to show any hyper emotion in her voice as that would make the sentence suddenly refutable in the quiet son's eyes. But Logan just looked at his feet, sighed, and sat next to his mother.

"Is it normal to fear fatherhood? Or is that a sign of bad things to come?" Logan mumbled, finally looking up again and straight ahead of him instead of at his mother. Ms Sanders just held a hand to her heart and chirped.

"It's totally normal to be scared sweetie, of course." Ms Sanders knew her son well, and knew he often overthought things unless he knew he was going to be perfect at it. But the mother knew her son was perfect at a lot of things he didn't think he'd be good at. "I'll tell you, both times I was pregnant with you and Roman I'd worry about how you two would grow up. Turns out I raised two beautiful young gentlemen!"

"I don't think you can call me young for much longer Mom." Logan laughed in return, constantly reminding his mother of his growing age as he had ever since he was a toddler. Now Logan was only a few years off forty the words had a slight impact.

"That's beside the point." Ms Sanders grabbed her son's shoulders and held him in a hug, making him gasp a little and then laugh softly. "You have nothing to fear My Little Nerd-Face. Patton is safe and happy under your care for as long as you'll house him." Logan stayed silent after that for a few minutes. Since Virgil wasn't back yet there was a possibility Patton had already woken up from his nap and needed reading to sleep again.

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