The Truth Found Out

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Summary: An argument between the two husbands begins when Virgil finds the letter from Patton's Mom. Words are said that Virgil doesn't mean but they decide to sort it like adults... later.

This is pretty much just angst with a cliffhanger - next chapter is a lot more fluffy to make up with it though!

It felt nice knowing Virgil wasn't home alone anymore, he could hear Patton's shouts upstairs as he was being entertained by his cousin Thomas. Instead of Logan humming along to the music playing Virgil was being entertained by Roman – and Roman was more chaotic than the toddlers.

"These banners are so sweet!" Roman shouted, admiring the design on the $2 birthday decorations Virgil had managed to find last minute. While Logan was at work and Virgil had cancelled all his therapy appointments to go on a huge shopping trip for party decorations since Patton's birthday was coming up. Roman was a natural at making stupid designs look nice, and he didn't work on Fridays, so he was allowed to supervise and bring distraction for Patton.

"Remember this is a surprise party Sir Sing-A-Lot – I don't want Pat to hear anything until we bring him down to see the place." Yeah, Virgil was so excited to see Patton's happy face. The toddler didn't ask for much so whenever he got anything he looked so overjoyed. Almost like Logan was whenever he got a present from his boyfriend at the beginning of their relationship. God, he looked so adorable when surprised.

Unfortunately, what came with a toddler's birthday party was tons and tons of cleaning. Usually, Logan was the type to clean the entire house when he had nothing else to do – but even he would admit the cleaning schedule had been skipped a few times since they started fostering an energetic toddler whose favourite games were painting and water guns. It still looked presentable, just not perfect. After cleaning all the sofa cushions, putting all of the many blankets in the laundry, and vacuuming the carpet, the main task was dusting. Dusting was the most boring part of cleaning.

"What do you keep in that chest of drawers Verge?" Roman pointed to a chest of drawers beside the sofa as he searched under the sofa for missing Legos. For a moment Virgil just turned to the accent table and shrugged. It was just a small table used to store coffee mugs during movie nights while the husbands were alone – not used for anything else. Roman approached the drawer and pulled on it, but it didn't open.

The cheery father then looked around the local area for some way to open the drawer – he was as constantly curious as the little toddlers he raised. "Yeah, honestly Princey I don't think anything is in there. Logan keeps track of the key I believe..."

"Found it!" Triumphantly Roman held up a simple silver key, no keyrings attached as the object had never been deemed that important. Nevertheless, he excitedly ran to the drawer again and tried opening it with shaking hands. Virgil definitely chose the best brother for his introversion.

The drawer finally opened while Virgil was admiring the plenty of pictures of him and Logan that decorated the entire house. After some scrambling around Roman brought out a crumbled piece of paper, sighing to himself. "Let's see how old this is shall we?" Roman joked, knowing the likeliness the piece of paper was just some charity promotion delivered to the house when the two occupants first moved in as loner thirty-year-olds.

But when the paper was straightened Roman's eyes widened and his jaw fell. "What?" Virgil immediately ran to his brother-in-law's side to see what the man was looking at... And he held the same expression. "Wait – no way, no... This is a letter from Patton's mom?"

"And she wants you to keep him! Oh fuck I'm going to be an actual Uncle! Wait until Mom hear-" Roman's screams were soon cut off by Virgil's hand around his mouth and he gave an annoyed grumble as a response. It was Virgil's turn this time to be panicked – something he was good at doing – but he was still trying to process this news.

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