¹⁷🍬: Big Boyfie Hoodie

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Fear was an emotion everyone had experienced, something that everyone will continue to experience. No human is completely fearless, even he himself wasn't fearless despite what everyone else around seemed to believe. Just because he was an object for their entertainment, didn't make him any less human and it didn't give them the pass to threaten him. In fact, he would like to argue that he felt fear stronger than anyone else around him. Nobody could comprehend the spine-breaking shivers that shuddered through his body earlier that day when he heard it. Probably one of the scariest things he's heard and it wasn't even said to his face. Maybe he should have guessed that people wanted to do horrible things to him. They didn't see him as a person, almost no one did. Well, except for one person. One beautiful, beautiful person. He wanted to cry even thinking about them, they really were the only light in his dreary, sad excuse of a life. Maybe they were all he needed to push through this disgusting final years of University, then he could escape and move on to something better. Something less... fear inducing. Even so, locking every door wasn't a bad habit to think about... Just incase.

"Seungmin?" Minho called out as he rushed through the doors of the main building, outside where all the benches Seungmin regularly lounged on were

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"Seungmin?" Minho called out as he rushed through the doors of the main building, outside where all the benches Seungmin regularly lounged on were. He scanned over the entire area, spotting many people that he'd seen around the University before and several members of the dance team before finally he saw Seungmin. The third year was sitting down but not on one of the benches or even the tables, he was curled up behind a tree with some kind of alcohol in his hand. He seemed almost unapproachable from the aura he gave off, one of exhaustion and maybe even slight anger and sadness. Minho felt his stomach hurt with care, wondering what must've happened this time to make the cute bubblegum-blowing third year so down. Was it the same as a few days ago, when he cried in the bathroom alone? Or was it something else? And, most of all, why did it hurt so much to see him like this?

Taking a deep breath, Minho walked on over, penetrating the invisible force around Seungmin that seemed to push everyone away. At first, it felt odd to be the only one going to check up on him, nobody else was and it felt almost like an invasion of privacy but he had asked that Minho meet up with him after school so it was okay, right? He pushed through and reached the tree, bending down a little and resting a hand on the trunk of the tree for some stability.

"Hey... Seungmin, are you doing alright?"

The third year let out a frustrated yell and lobbed the bottle of alcohol, letting it collide with the concrete a mere few feet away and shattered into hundreds of pieces while the liquid slithered free. Minho froze, unsure of how to respond to such an aggressive act. Seungmin was drunk, which was probably fairly common but he still has never really interacted with a drunk Seungmin before. A tipsy one for sure but this was different and he didn't know what to do.

Seungmin started to babble nonsense and soon it turned to blubbering sobs. Impulsively, Minho broke from his frozen stature and knelt beside the third year, guiding him into his arms as quickly as possible, letting the boy sob and spew whatever meaningless words were falling from his lips.

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