Horrifying discovery

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"I think Mister Potter should return to Hogwarts and go to Gringotts over the summer break. It is unfair that Mister Potter gets to go to Gringotts and his piers do not." Amelia frowned at Dumbledore and Fudge still looked unsure as I gave a quick glare to Dumbledore.

"But this is not under normal circumstances so it wouldn't be unfair. Sirius was released from Azkaban and I went to go see him. There doesn't need to be mentioned that I went to Gringotts as it is a personal matter." Amelia nodded her head as Fudge, who still looked unsure, nodded his head with her.

"Then I guess I can escort Mister Potter to Gringotts and take him back to Hogwarts afterwards." I inwardly scowled at that and nodded my head in agreement as Amelia and Fudge bid me and Dumbledore fair well before leaving. I turned to Dumbledore before rolling my eyes.

"I we going to Gringotts now that they have left?" I asked sarcastically. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at me. Dumbledore grabbed my shoulder and with a pop we appeared in Gringotts. I walked up to a goblin with Dumbledore right behind me. "Hello. I would like to see Griphook please. Tell me Harry Potter is here to see him." The goblin nodded and walked off.

"Mister Potter. Harry." I glared at Dumbledore. "Would you please reconsider letting the Weasley family out of Goblin punishment. You've broken their family in half!" I glared at Dumbledore even more. "And while we're at it, please let me retake full control as your Guardian. A young boy like yourself shouldn't have to worry about money problems." I opened my mouth to speak when Griphook appeared and frowned when he saw Dumbledore and my glare.

"What seems to be the matter, Mister Potter?" I turned to Griphook and gave a smile as I then gave a quick glare to Dumbledore.

"I need to talk to you in privet about picking something up from one of my vaults. Privately." I gave another glare to Dumbledore at the last work. Dumbledore frowned as Griphook nodded and turned Griphook.

"I am his magical Guardian. I'm aloud to know what he puts in and takes out of his vaults." Griphook snickered as he grinned with his sharp pointy teeth at Dumbledore.

"Mister Potter has full control of his vaults. If he doesn't want you seeing what he puts in or takes out, he doesn't have to show or tell you. Please wait out here until Mister Potter returns." Griphook the motioned for me to follow him as Griphook turned and started walking towards the familiar meeting room. Dumbledore glared at me as he turned and waited in the waiting area of the bank. I followed Griphook into the meeting room and sat down in my usual seat as Griphook sat in front of me. "What is it you have come to see me for Mister Potter?" Griphook asked as he looked at me.

"I need the… the stone to be given to me so I may return it to its rightful owner and-." I was cut off by Griphook who put a hand up to stop me.

"I fear I have to tell you something, Mister Potter." I looked at Griphook in confusion as Griphook put his hand down. "Mister Flamel has… perished on uncertain circumstances." My eyes widened at that. "It's believed that they were murdered as the stone was not found. And now knowing that you have it and got it from the school can only mean one thing." Griphook looked me in the eye as I answered.

"Dumbledore killed Flamel for the stone." I finished as I looked down sadly. I looked back to Griphook and sighed softly. "Then keep the stone in my merlin vault. Tell no one that it is there." Griphook scoffed at me and I gave a small smile. "Then I want to talk to you on another matter before I leave back to Hogwarts." Griphook nodded and waited for me to continue. "Percy Weasley. I want you to watch him when he comes here. I think he feels regret. I will come in a month after summer has ended and see Percy personally and privately with you in the room. If you could tell me if he really shows regret and is not just faking it to try get out of punishment, I would like him to be kept out of the punishment." Griphook looked unsure but nodded and stood.

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