The Party Invitation

Start from the beginning

Shane never had hair that long his entire childhood, there are a lot of photos of him around the house even at the books where most of his pictures were stored and there is a little more difference in the features when I looked closer in the photo as I looked around again and noticed the background has the scenery shows a hive at a trees meaning there were bees around there

'Shane has an extreme fear of bees to the point where he had a phobia of it and would always scream in pain when he spots one especially hornets' i thought as i went back to my seat wondering about it and how strange it seemed as I shrugged it off and suddenly the waiter came with the meal and put them down at the table as I thanked her and she welcomed me nicely with a smile and walked away

After I was finished eating i then paid the bill and walked out of the resturant and saw a silhouete when all of a sudden it dissapeared amongst the shadows

I then got in my car and ended the call in the phone as I felt that the other person on the line may have something to do with it and drove to a free parking building

it was difficult to find a spot but when a car left I immediately grabbed the opportunity ro take it and parked

I then went outside and hailed a cab as I went back home and went inside

My family seemed slightly taken aback since the pants was rather an unusual sight in me as I slightly bowed greeting them and went upstairs to change

I wore something acceptable for dinner and proper as I got down staura to eat with them and I was the third one to arive at the table menawhile mother wasn't inside yet as I greeted the two gentlemen before sitting beside my brother

I can feel both of them staring straight at my soul as I tried my best to not look uncomfortable ignoring the fact that their eye are stuck like glue to me and when mother came in it was finally done as she came in with a slight frown from her face on her way to her chair

"The Thames are getting on my nerves again especially Narissa. I caught her telling her friends that my Saint Laurent dress that I got from Country Q was fake all because she couldn't even get a reservation on one, How could she say that I paid 15,000,000 for that with proof that it was an original since I even went live when I was buying it and 250,000+ people saw me buying it"

She then sighs As I ignored her and just stared in silence as my father and brother comforted her

"Dear don't worry about Narissa besides I'm sure no one would believe what she said besides theres no point in worrying about such people"

Father reassured her as she smiled at him holding his hands

"Father Mother lets start dinning before food gets cold"

My brother said beside mother as she turned face to him and patted his head with a smile

"Of course dear lets start"

She simply said as we started eating and I was the first to finish as I pushed myself away from the table and pardoned myself

"Excuse me." I simply said and then left as they ignored me like always but of course I left right away when I stood up and said it once I started to get up from my seat after all there no point waiting for an answer that won't be answered

I then got up my room and saw my night clothes already prepared and neatly lying in the bed as I undressed and entered the bathroom

Once I was done taking a bath and changing I then immediately opened my laptop and check some stuff on the internet

'Uh? What the-! I'm attracting attention so suddenly? It's not a big deal anyways that I wore something besides a skirt or dress'

I thought to myself as I sigh and check other stuff online and saw news of Hecate Lattizly Hosting another party as I then smiled and reached out for an envelope as it was a invitation from her to the same party, there will be a massive fight that will happen in the party between her and Gia to the point where Hecate throwed a bowl of hot soup at her which resulted in burns

Then Hacates Family were forced to apologize publicly to Gia and her family due to all the backlash backlash that their family were receiving for what happened to Gia and Gia's Family even withdrawn their investments on Hacate's Fathers buisness and have been on dark terms since then and wouldn't get along and when Gia's Family stopped investing in their buisness a lot of investors backed out aswell and Hacate's Fathers buisness became a failed company and went bankrupt

'Gia Mitchell she's a good looking woman if I remember correctly, she's the girl who I met on new years while I was drinking outside, she had really nice blonde hair and blue eyes and her short hair gave her the mature look'

I then set aside my invitation letter and looked at my wardrobe to wear for the party and picked out a simple off shoulder tight blacktop and a black long skirt as it reached probably under my knees and then I prepared high heels and anklet aswell as some light jewelry and I then closed the laptop and placed in on my desk and I then slept the night off

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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