The Train Station (Wilbur)

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Tw: Fear, death and toxic relationships

"I heard their was a special place.."

He's near.  They've got to hide and fast. Panicking, they sprinted towards the trashcan at the end of the train station. Maybe they could hide behind it. Hopefully, he doesn't see them. Deep inside they knew that that was simply a lie.

"Where men could go emancipate."

A heaviness rose in Y/n's chest. Their breath started staggering. He loved to play this game of cat and mouse. The way Wilbur see's it, they are his property and he will do anything to get back what's his. When they attempt these pitiful plans to get away from him, he feels goosebumps. It excites him to be chasing his beloved. Once he catches them, he'll show them what running means you get.

"The brutality and tyranny of their rulers,"

Dream. Oh gods. They were a  horrible person back then. They fought along the side of the dream team without hesitation . They were (Reader)'s everything. They felt like if they weren't on Dream's side, then who are they? Sure sometimes the boys manipulated them but it felt better being used than being alone.

"This place was real, you needn't fret, with,"

Shit. Shit .Shit. They were definitely fretting. Their breathing was rushed and loud. When they finally made it to the trashcan they tried their best to huddle behind it. Very careful not to let it show they were hiding behind it. Who knows what the deranged man was thinking. (Reader)  put their hand up to their mouth, desperately trying to stop the sound of their ragged breath.


Then, they saw it, he smirked. That bastard. Does he know they were here? Peeking her head out, they saw him strolling down the station without a care in the world. It was almost like he was just taking a walk in the park.

" Wilbur"

Oh, Wilbur, This wasn't the man they knew, at least he wasn't always like that. The Wilbur they knew was brave and kind. He was like some super hero. He would always swoop in and save the day. The two were like Romeo and Juliet. Two-star cross lovers.  Wilbur was the type of person who would change the names in love songs to their name as they cuddled at the campfire.

A defending bang brought them back to reality. (Reader) ripped their head towards the sound. There was Wilbur, standing over the contents of garbage and the rustic trash can.


Another bang. Another can fell to the ground.


Clang! A third one.

"Fuck Eret,"

Crash. Another.

"A very big and not blown up Lmanberg."

Wilbur fucking soot.

He murdered them. They remembered  it like it was just yesterday. Tubbo was declared president and they smiled. That was the first time in a long time since they actually smiled. Then leader of Lmanberg whispered a jumble of sweet things in their ear. A huge blush spread across their face. He slyly dragged the, away from the crowd and towards a house in the ground. Then, he led them through a tunnel or twists in turns. They felt extremely uneasy. He had a craze look in his eye and wore a wicked smile from ear to ear. They tried to pull her hand away from him but his grip turned to iron and she couldn't even feel her hand. It felt like the circulation of blood stopped. His smirk never faded.

They would never forget this part in a million years.

The control room. A dirt room filled with signs describing the man's descent into madness. They begun to weep and pull harder, trying to get out of his grip. He only laughed and pulled (Reader) in for a hug. After explaining his plans to blow up the country, they begged him to stop and think for once. His friends were down there.There were kids down there. He can't do this. Wilbur didn't care. He was too far gone. Suddenly,  a man with large silver wings appeared ans started questioning the crazed man.  In his passion, he did the unexpected and took his diamond sword and held it up to (Reader)'s  neck. The blade rested right above their throat. Any moment now he could slice their throat and nobody would care. He beckended his father not to come any closer or he'll kill his prisoner. The man, whose name was Phil, put his hands up in surrender. Letting go of (Reader), he ran towards  the button and watched as his very own creation threaten to kill millions. They fell on the floor and  watched in horror as he felt excitement and giddyness. Smile wide, he leaned down and whispered, " I'll see you soon, my love."

Then he slit his partner's throat. They tried to scream but the blood was caught leaking from their throat. They moved their hand to cover the wound, but they only heard a soft hum and a string force holding their hands down.


Phil watched in anguish as his son killed an innocent person. As the light of their life was fading they looked up and saw Phil putting his cloak over their dining body. He gave a sad smile and spoke softly. "You'll be safe soon." In the light he looked like an angel.

A strong grip on their shoulders brought them back to reality. They looked up and saw Wilbur Soot standing behind them, looking straight into their eyes. Those once beautiful chestnut eyes only portrayed the wickedness to the world. What ever happened in Pogtopia that caused this man to spiral into madness.

Suddenly, they felt a strong force pull them up off the ground, knocking themselves out of their thoughts.

They felt a cold hand tilt her chin up. (Reader) squeezed their eyes shut, daring not to open them and see the crazed man's wide smirk. He let out a sigh.

"(Reader) ? " He asked softly. They were too petrified to answer.

"(Reader)?" His voice sounded like a parent scolding their child. They could practically picture the mad man's smirk.

"Y-yes-s Wilbur?" They hesitatingly replied, shaking like a leaf.

"I will not repeat myself  Open your eyes or else you'll face the consequences." Even though their eyes weren't open yet, they could still picture that stupid smirk he always wore. They quickly fluttered open their eyes and stared at Wilbur head on. They might not be able to disobey him outright, but this is their little act of resistance. It most likely won't do anything, but it was a way to keep them sane.

"Good." He smirked again.

How they wished they yell 'fuck you'  and slaughter him like a pig.

"Now what do you have to say."

"I'm sorry Wilbur."


He smiled and pulled them in for a bone crushing hug.

"You'll never leave me."

A single tear dripped onto the cold metallic floor off the train station floor.

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