His Little Puppet (Dream)

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"Y/N its you!" There he was. The man who caused her so much pain and suffering. The man who tore her family and friends out of her grasp and replaced that hole in her heart with empty promises and fake love. The smile he wore on his face disgusted her. His smile was like a kid on Christmas, seeing all the presents. He was happy. He doesn't deserve to be happy.

"Dream." The young girl whispered. She really wanted to look tough but seeing the man only brought back all the times they spent together. She tore her gaze away from him and fixated it on the floor. Out of habit, the girl begun to wrap her arms around herself.

"Ah! I missed you so- " He gleefully said, jumping up off the ground and skipping towards the girl. Before he could get closer to her, she shot her arm out, keeping him at a distance.

All the times they spent cuddling was a lie. He was just using her. All those ' I love you' 's just created strings attached to her. She was almost like his little puppet. A person he could mold and model however he liked. Back then she would do anything for her one and only true love. Dream was just manipulating her. He only used her to get to her older brothers.

"I've come here to speak business."

Oh Tommy. He would kill her if he knew she was here right now. His sister, dreams old plaything conversing with the man that tortured him in exile. That won't happen. He'll never find out she was here. She took serval extra precautions to avoid him knowing about her little trip.

If he found out, he would be mad, no furious. Then, that anger would morph into disappointment. Even after he tried to free his sister, she still had the strings attached by Dream. One would think being apart from the mask wearing man, her emotional scars would heal. That worked for Tommy. Not for her. Everyday the girl would shed endless tears, knowing she shouldn't want to see the evil man again, but she had to. She had to see him one last time. Which brings us here.

"- Is something wrong." The urge to fall under his web of lies grew. The young girl could even see tears pricking at his hollow eyes, threatening to fall. Then she remembered, she recalled all the pain Dream caused to her. To her friends, To her family, and to Tommy. She couldn't let his deception go.

"Yes, Dream." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm done. " The young girl took a deep breath. "You did everything. You hurt my family, ....my friends, you-you manipulated me! You made me think I was nothing. I'm done being your puppet Dream. I won't let you use me just to hurt others."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N" He began, fidgeting with his prison uniform. "I promise if you give me one more chance I can make it up to you." He took a deep breath and stared her right in the eyes. "I-I love you."

"No-No-" He caught her. He caught her like a spider in its web. There were tears falling from his eyes. She gripped her head in anger, frustration, sadness and maybe even longing. "Dream, stop. You can't do this to me again! " The girl slid against the wall of the cell and threw her head into her hands, weeping quietly.

"Y/N? " At the sound of the man's voice, her head perked up slightly, meeting the smile of that oh so familiar mask. "May I?" He asked quietly, hands up in surrender. Almost like he was trying to approach a kicked puppy. The crying girl thought for a moment, then slowly nodded her head up and down.

He situated himself to be sitting crisscross in front of the young girl. Her eyes were full of confusion and sadness .

"I've had a lot of time to think, about..about everything. I've thought about what I've done, about those I hurt, about you, about us. Sometimes I'm thankful for being here, I mean I'm a monster.. I guess now I can't hurt anyone, right?" Now it was his turn to cover his face with his hands. The girl noticed he appeared to be crying.

"Oh Clay.." Feeling pity for the prisoner, she placed her hand on his fluffy dirty blonde hair. He flinched at the name and looked up at the girl with doe like eyes. Her heart broken into a million pieces. Both of them knew she was too far gone to even remember her original reason on coming to Sam's prison. All she could in that moment was complete love for the man in front of her.

"Y/N, you got to help me! Sam will try to deny this, but he lets Quackity in here everyday and the man tries to torture me! I don't even know why!" He yelped, springing out and clutching onto her hand like it's his life line.

"T-Tortures you?" She whispered quietly. Shock and fear was written all over her face as she stared at the man .He brought her hand to his heart. An outsider would probably find it romantic, while except for the fact they were on the prisons floor.

"Yes, please you have to help me." He responded, gripping her hand so much that it was probably turning red from the lack of blood flow. The girl was about to say something, but then she remembered that he probably just haven't seen anyone that would be willing to give him any form of affection in a while, so she let it go.

"H-How?" She whimpered, using her other hand to brush away in the incoming flood of tears caused by either the pain in her hand, or the fact that she just found out her ex boyfriend is being tortured by her closest friend.

"I have a plan, but I need your help. " Then without a moment to spare, the air shifted to a much more malicious atmosphere." You will help me, right? " Scared out of her pants, she nodded her head as fast as she could." As soon as that happened the ambience went back to normal, or as normal as it could be. He then, jumped up with great excitement. Dream extended a hand towards the girl but she only looked at him with uncertainty.

After a few minuets of silence she grabbed his hand and allowed him to full her up off the ground. Hs whole face lit up with the most handsome smile the girl's ever seen. Y/N blushed at the sight. Oh god. She's so embarrassing.

"Thank you Y/N! Once I'm free we will finally be able to be together." She couldn't help but smile at the thought of that.

As she was turning around to leave, he smirked devilishly. Oh how naïve. If only she knew the what the man did. Him, the mastermind just tighten the strings around his precious little puppets neck and has begun to play his wicked game once more.

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