Not the One

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(Goddamn he's hot ^^) (also, this is entirely made up so don't say anything.)
Edit: (adding a TW! just in case, mentions of abuse)

My best friend, Chris, and his girlfriend of nearly two years, Susan, are at my house tonight. Chris had the idea of spending some time together because he claims we haven't had much quality time lately and that he missed me. And of course, where he goes, Susan follows.

We're all in my living room, laughing, drinking, passing around a cigarette, etc. It's been fun so far, though I've gotten a few nasty looks from Susan.

Now, mind you, I've been in Chris's life way longer than she has, but she seems to have something against me. Something I can't quite put my finger on... I can say this much though, and I know it's none of my business, but I don't like the way she talks to Chris sometimes. I feel like he deserves better.

"Thanks for letting me come over tonight." Chris tells me.

"You're welcome here anytime Chris, you know that."

"Ahem!" Susan clears her voice, sounding rather offended.

"Both... of you, that is." I say, secretly rolling my eyes.

As the night went on, the three of us started to get tired. And drunk. Well, except for me, I wasn't near as drunk as Chris and especially Susan, who was a lightweight. I decided, as any good friend would, or at least should, to let them stay the night.

"I think it's tiiiime for bed." Susan says. She stands up from her spot on the couch to make her way to the guest room. "Chris, you coming?" She calls out.

"Um, I'll... I'll be right there." He calls back.

"Don't make me wait too long." She retorts.

"You should maybe go to bed with your girl." I look at Chris.

"I'm not tired enough yet. And I want to wait for her to pass out first, I don't want her all over me tonight." He sighs.

"She's been a little strange tonight." I say.

"She's always strange." Chris mumbles.

"Hey, be nice. But seriously though, she's been giving me some weird looks."

"I noticed a few of them. I'm sorry, I don't know why she does that." Chris rolls his eyes.

"It's okay, I mean you can't control what she does."

"I know." He sighs again.

Chris grabs the half full bottle of Jack on the coffee table and starts drinking from it. We sit there in silence for a minute and then Chris stands up from where he's sitting and comes over to me on the couch. He lays down, putting his head in my lap. He used to do this a lot before Susan came around.

"You haven't done that in a while." I say, a bit surprised. I mindlessly run my fingers through his hair.

"I know. I miss it." He mumbles as he closes his eyes. After he finished off that bottle, I could tell he was about to be way more drunk than he was before.

"You should probably go to sleep with Susan. She had to have passed out by now." I tell him.

"I-I don't want to..."

"You don't wanna what?" I ask.

"Go to sleep with her..."

"Why not?"

"B-Because I don't want her."

"She's your girlfriend Chris, you can't say that. What would she say if she knew you said that?"

Chris Cornell OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now