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FYI: Soundgarden

Chris and I were at a party. We don't go to parties often but we decided to get out of the house tonight. Tonight's party was at Chris's band mate Kim's house. I was sitting with some friends on the couch, talking and laughing. We'd only been here for a little over an hour.

I was only having one beer since I was responsible for getting Chris and I back home. I could tolerate my alcohol a lot better than he could. I wouldn't be surprised if he was already wasted.

Much to my surprise, Chris came over to me out of the blue and sat down beside me. He rested his head on my shoulder, like he sometimes does when he wants something. I was in the middle of a conversation with the people I was sitting with so he didn't say anything at first.

"(Y/N)..." Chris whispered. His voice was a little hoarse but I didn't notice it.

"Hang on Chris." I said quietly, keeping my eyes focused on my friends. I did reach over and rest my hand on his thigh. We all started laughing at the story one of them was telling. All but Chris obviously.

He waited a few more minutes.

"Baby please..." He whispered again. I looked at him this time. He looked a little pale but I didn't think much about it at first.

"What Chris?" I sighed.

"Can we go home now please?" He asked quietly.

"What, why?"

"I don't feel so good, I wanna go home."

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning my attention to him while the others continued to talk.

"Please take me home." He whined.

"Okay. I will, but can you at least tell me what's going on first?"

"I feel sick. I can't handle this atmosphere right now, I feel like my heads gonna explode." He said, squeezing his eyes shut. I felt his forehead and cheek with my hand to see if he had any fever.

"Fuck, baby you're burning up. C'mon let's get out of here." He nodded and stood up slowly, wincing.

"You okay?" I asked, concerned. He shook his head. "My head hurts." He frowned.

I helped him to the door, grabbing his jacket off of the coat rack once we got there. I handed it to him and he quickly put it on, holding it tight around him.

"Wait here, I'm gonna go tell Kim we're leaving." He nodded.

I made my way through the groups of people scattered around the house until I found Kim.

"Hey (Y/N), what's up?" He said, greeting me with a smile.

"Hey. Listen, we're gonna head out."

"Aw, why so soon?"

"Chris isn't feeling good, I gotta get him out of here."

"Man, okay. Tell him I said I hope he feels better." I nodded. He pulled me in for a quick hug before letting go again.

"Alright well I'll see you guys later. Take care of him, we need our singer." We both chuckled.

"Later Kim." I said before walking back to where Chris was.

"Ready to go?" I asked him.

"Fuck, yes." He sighed. We went out to our car and I drove us home.

When we pulled into the driveway, Chris immediately opened his door and ran over to the grass, throwing up all of the alcohol he had consumed at the party.

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