Writing tips!

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1. Things to say instead of 'said' or 'say'

-stimmed out
-managed to get out

2. good main character traits (having atleast 1 of these would make the story more interesting)

-your main character has different hobbies
-your main character is aspiring
-your main character just doesnt care (this can be both good or bad)
-your main character has no love interest
-your main character has both their parents (/hj)
-your main character isnt british (/j)
-your main character experiences multiple love interests in different chapters
-your main character has unique pets
-your main character likes brownies (its an inside joke between me and someone)
-your main character has inside jokes
-your main character had a life before the story

3. bad main character traits (id recommend not doing these)

-your main character is a pick me
-your main character trusts everyone they meet too easily (cough that one rantaro fanfic cough)
-your main character has a specific gender or pronouns (this only applies to y/ns)
-your main character catches feelings in like the first or second chapter
-your main character is fatherless and/or motherless (again cough that one rantaro fanfic cough)
-your main character has some kinda powers thats overpowered
-your main character is emo (/j)
-your main characters name starts with S (/j)


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