She told me and I couldn't disagree. Watching your loved ones on the brink of destruction. And someone's unconditional support in that kind of situation. It's something I can only imagine. Eventually, the topics switched, as we took the bus to school and soon I was standing in front of my homeroom teacher.


"What??? Today is the  exam day?" Oh, I can't believe it this can't be happening to me.
"Yes it's the mid-term exam but you're already late, It's been long since the school year began I'm sure you can do it you are a smart kid!" Mr. Han tried to motivate me and cheer me up.

 I followed him to the classroom 2-5 I entered the room and it was a complete mess everyone was busy in the prep checking their pens, stationery, and other things some were trying to absorb everything this last minute but I couldn't even do that I was doomed, among all those paranoid students one guy was just sleeping on his desk in the far corner, he must be the easy-going kid every class has one of that kind.

Mr Han cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention "Good morning kids we have a new student among us today, Hwang Ji-ah please introduce yourself" I stepped forward and everyone started whispering about how it was so weird to join in the middle of the school year, especially on the day of mid-term exams.

"Hi! I'm Hwang Ji-ah I was born and raised in New York City and I just moved to Seoul I like to paint in my free time and I'm looking forward to my year with you all" After a moment of silence one of the students spoke up "Your eyes are so pretty we are officially the most good looking class this year" and everyone started cheering after that and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"Ok everyone settle down!! Ji-ah go sit at that empty seat in the back" I bowed and proceeded to my chair. It was next to that sleepy guy who was still asleep I placed my bag beside my chair with a loud thud which woke him up, That happened unintentionally I apologized to him and settle down but when I faced him we both were shocked.

"You!" I practically shouted at him, At first  he seemed a bit shocked himself
but then he grined at me "Hey artist!' Oh I can't believe I found him cute that day right now all I wanted was to smack that grin off his face "I didn't know it was a school for delinquents I better transfer" I retorted back.

"Yah!..." "Does he even know any  other words besides yah?" I thought,  He didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying because of the girl sitting ahead of me "Do you guys know each other?" She enquired and we both replied at the same time "Ani!!' We both glared at each other at the same time 'Ok everyone settle down I'm distributing the exam papers!'

I turned facing ahead, This exam was more important than this dim wit. I was trying to keep my cool when I heard him say something "Honey your soul is golden" HE DID NOT!!  I turned my head like lightning, "You! You have my card?" I asked him, my eyes popping out of their sockets,

 "Bingo!" He clicked his fingers together and nodded with satisfaction, "I want them back!" I hissed at him but couldn't get a reply from him because the teacher scolded us for talking in the middle of the exam.  I'll deal with him later.
I concentrated on the multiple-choice question and exhaled heavily "Here goes nothing"
The exam was pretty easy I knew most of the answers. My mom's determination to keep me connected to my Korean roots came in handy plus I've always been a bright student. I think I did well I stretched my arms and neck massaging them a bit and my eyes fell on this guy I don't know his name yet he's sleeping again why does he even come to school? 

"Yah! Han seo-jun! " A chubby guy came barging into our class and started pestering this jerk beside me. So his name is Han seo-jun... quiet a nice name for such personality. As it was lunch break now, I took the bento box omma gave me, out of my bag and I saw another one Oh shoot I had to give this one to Goo won-ah I immediately texted her to know where she was as I opened my box simultaneously. Oh it smells amazing I know it sounds weird but it made me emotional 

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