40. I love you too

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Dedicated to timmycham , Its3_2 mybabies___bts

Dedicated to timmycham , Its3_2  mybabies___bts

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Third person's POV:

Ji ah was sitting in the living room but it was his living room. Knowing that Han seojun would be at another shoot, she agreed to have the piano session with Han Go woon at her home as the girl had gotten herself a keyboard.

Since Han Go woon started seeking guidance from her brother in singing, she has also been taking piano classes from Ji ah. That's why they were hanging out together during lunch at school today because That's when they practice with that big piano sitting in the school's music room.

"Uni! Uni!" Ji ah snapped out of it upon hearing Go woon's rather frustrated voice. "Yeah! Yeah! You're doing great! Spot on!" Ji ah said and Go woon ah gave her that Grinch glare. Ji ah had no idea what she was saying or asking and she just went with it but now she knew that she didn't go with it the right way as Go woon gave her that resting bitch face.

Ji ah: "What??"

Go woon: "I haven't even plugged it in yet! Because I can't figure it out and I guess that's what you're here for! To help me figure this out"

"Oh boy! I zoned out again!" Ji ah mentally panicked

Ji ah: "Sorry! I was just.."
Go woon: "Distracted! Yeah I know, because that's how you've been all day"

Ji ah can't deny it because that's what she's been doing since she laid eyes on him this morning at school. The way Han seojun stood by the window sill, sunlight enchanting his features and that severe work mode. Although his cold, indifferent demeanor hurt, she couldn't complain, can she?

"I think that's enough piano for today" Mi Hyang's voice cut in as She strolled into the living room and ushered Go woon-ah to her room. Ji ah was the culprit here and the worst part... they didn't even treat her like one. Ji ah flickered her gaze away from Mi Hyang's, she felt too guilty to make eye contact with her, Ji ah tried to gulp the guilt but none of it went down, so she stood up from the couch in order to leave.

Ji ah: "I... I should get going" she bowed and walked past Mi Hyang.

Mi Hyang: "You're more than just his girlfriend to me"

Ji ah stopped in mid tracks and turned around, facing Mi Hyang once again.

Mi Hyang: "You know that right?!" she inquired

Ji ah's gaze dropped down to her feet, guilt crawling in again, "Emmo!... It's not..."

"You call me Emmo and every time I happen to be around, you run away as if you've committed a crime" Mi Hyang cut in.

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