19. Definitely not sober yet!

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Han Seo jun's POV:

I woke up to the smell of Omma's breakfast, I opened my eyes and adjusted them to the brightness in my room "It's morning" sitting up straight I rested my head against the headboard and squeezed my eyes shut again, inhaling with relaxation, my head didn't feel heavy anymore and my nose was not stuffy anymore. I was finally feeling normal and energized. I shifted, hanging my legs down the bed ready to start my day when my eyes fell on the chocolates and drinks placed on the table. "Where did these come from?" I picked one of the drinks and found a sticky note attached to it, tearing it away I read what was written on it "Change your shirt when you wake up it's damn sticky" - I immediately glanced down at my shirt, stained with pink spots and it came rushing back to me, Ji-ah's face flashed before my eyes, when the cough syrup spilled on my shirt and how she cleaned it, her nose scrunched in disgust, her forehead creased, a smile automatically braced my lips as I read it further and the words sounded like her voice as if she was speaking to me directly- "I hope you don't have a house fly armor on your chest by now" I chuckled "It's my fault that you got sick, I shouldn't have dragged you in the rain along with me, I'm sorry, -Her voice in my head sounded apologetic and guilty- these sweets are a compensation, make sure to hide them from Kim cho rong. __Artist" I couldn't control my smile it's so cute, I opened the drawer and placed this sticky note among her cards.

I tried to remember everything that happened yesterday and it all played like a tape in my head, I touched her hair and I complimented her eyes "Aishh! It's so embarrassing, how am I going to face her?" I buried my face in my pillow and screamed dying of embarrassment. "Wait! Is that all?" I tried to put some pressure on my brain and recall what else happened and I remembered all the things that I blabbered about Lim ju gyeoung, I even cried. "Aggghhhhh! Ottoke I made a fool out of myself" I was screaming with my face smashed into my pillow to muffle the screams when some voices flashed across my ear, almost echoing " Thanks for making my shitty life better" and I stopped jumping and screaming touching my face with astonishment followed by a feeling of warmth, she kissed me on the cheek!!

I got ready for school, but I just can't stop thinking about Ji-ah, all her words are coming back to my memory one after the other, all the sweet things she said. Does she really care about me? Ani! I shouldn't be thinking about her, It's not right. I have never been close to any woman in my life except the ones in my family but then I got closer to a girl ( Lim ju gyeoung) for the very first time and I ended up falling in love with her I shouldn't get close to women. I shake my head to get rid of the voice and put on my jacket, I put my hands inside my pockets ready to leave when I felt something touching my fingers, I pulled it out, rolling it between my fingers as I looked at it. It's a scrunchie No! It's her scrunchie. I put it inside my pocket that night when I took her on a ride, I'll return it to her today and all her cards too. Yes! That's the best thing to get her off my mind.

I opened that drawer and felt like someone smacked me hard on the face, It was full of her things, the sweets she left, her cards, I picked up a crumpled card with the intention to throw it in my backpack so that I can return it today but stopped abruptly as her gloomy face flashed before my eyes, she'll overthink if I return her these now as if something's wrong with her art and things will get awkward. I sighed heavily and placed it back inside my drawer, I looked at all the stuff I had there, and my eyes fell on the note and the words scribbled on it "She has such a lousy handwriting" I thought when Omma called out for me and I finally shut the drawer close and put the scrunchie back into my pocket hurriedly.

I skipped my way to my bike and sat on it, picking up my helmet and ready to roll but sitting on the bike alone, It felt like something was missing, I recalled the last time I drove my bike and I was not alone, she was with me, her head resting against my shoulder, I shook my head to blur that image and kicked start. I drove a bit, just till the end of the street and I couldn't go any further, it didn't feel the same anymore, as it used to. The sense of freedom was replaced by emptiness, the emptiness that you feel because of a missing piece. I sighed as I took my helmet off and decided to walk to the bus stop, leaving my bike behind.

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