Chapter 7

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      (Hinted NSFW in this chapter!!!)

The expression on Frank's face turned into something more dark and twisted, hatred filling him. His demeanor changed, sinister and dreadful. "You fuckin' kiddin' me? You're Stick?" "That would be me." The old fucker wasn't even phased by the outburst. By now, Matt was kind of regretting letting them meet, since he was a bit cooled down and thinking right. If he let's this go on, someone is going to get hurt. "Come on, Frank. Let's go. He's not worth the trouble." "Seriously, Red? Let this fucker go? After what he did to you when you were a kid? Fuck that! If anythin', I should beat the shit outta him." "I'd like to see you try." There was a smug look on Stick's face. "Mother fucke-" "Frank. Come on, please." He lightly tugged his arm, giving him that puppy dog look. Damn it. How could Frank say no after that? "Fine. But if he shows up again, I ain' hesitatin'." "I know. I know." Frank took one more look at Stick before grabbing Matt, picking up and carrying him away. Took his stuff and left. The man was still pissed when they got to Matt's apartment. He placed the other down before grabbing a first aid kit, knowing where the lawyer stashed it. "Still can' believe I worked with that piece of shit. I helped him get to you." He sounded disgusted with himself. "Frank, you didn't know. Don't blame yourself for that. He knew-" "Red, I knew that somethin' was fishy with that asshole. How he just kept sayin' shit about you n how he talked about you as if he knew you for so long, ya know? Not only that, heh, that blind old geezer knew how to fight real well. Called you 'Matty'. Didn' give a shit if you were in danger or not. I shoulda known, Red. The clues were right fuckin' there. I..I should've..." Frank huffed softly, rubbing his face with his free hand. Taking a deep breath, he calmed down. He needed to focus on aiding Matt. Kneeling down, he took out the required items, setting them to the side. First, he started with Matt's knuckles, being as gentle as he could, even though he knew that the other could manage the pain. Especially something as small as this. Once he was done with this, he began to lightly kiss around the patched wounds. A wam smile formed on the lawyer's face. After that. Frank removed Matt's tie, suit jacket, and button up, revealing the scattered injuries. Old and new. Very carefully, he stitched up the open wounds and covered the minor ones. It wasn't long before he finished. "Thank you, Frank." The lawyer mumbled. Frank hummed softly, moving to put away the kit. Matt could hear the other's heart beat, being able to tell how he was feeling just by that. "Frank-" "Red, don'." Matt stood up, walking over to him. "Stop blaming yourself. I could care less about him now. You did nothing wrong. If anything, you saved me. And....don't think I didn't notice notice, Frank." At that, the other man looked confused. "What?" "You didn't kill anyone." So he noticed? "How did ya know?" "You had a shotgun. The shots that did the final blow wasn't from a shotgun. Those guards still had a heartbeat after you shot them. Stick killed them. You didn't." Damn heightened senses. Frank remained silent, not knowing what to say. "I'm proud of you, Frank. I knew that you could do it." There was a wide smile on his face. That adorable cheek to cheek smile. "Am I gonna get a reward?" Frank asked. The cheeky adorable smile turned into a knowing smirk. "A reward?" He knew damn well of what the other meant. Frank walked over to Matt, a smirk appearing on his face as well. "Mhm. I think that I should get one." "Well, I might just have one in the bedroom." "Oh yeah?" Frank lifted Matt with no struggle. "I have a feelin' this reward is goin' to be real good." "I think that you're going to like it." The Punisher carried the man to the bedroom, where he got his reward. And Frank definitely enjoyed it. Though it may have seemed that Matt enjoyed it more since he was the one on the receiving end. The two were now breathless on the bed, laying on their back. "If what I get each time that I don' kill, then you bet your sweet ass I'm changin' for ya." It was obviously a joke. Matt chuckled softly, shifting so that he was now resting his head on the other's chest and that his body was pressed against the other's. "Maybe." There was a bit of silence after that. At least until Matt spoke up. "Frank?" "Mhm...." "I love you." The other was half asleep so Matt didn't really expect him to reply. To his surprise, Frank pulled him closer, kissing his forehead then said, "Love ya too."

(Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you all enjoyed! If you'd like, I could make a chapter of what they did in the bedroom ;D Up to you all! ^^ Also sorry that this chapter isn't long T-T)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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