Chapter 1

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Loss is something that can change a person. Something that can determine broken or fixed, crumbled or growth. Every living thing has it's own way of dealing with loss. Whether it be grieving, forgetting, or no reaction at all. Some may even go cold. Many may know that loss can also lead to personality changes. Going from sweet as pie to sour as lemon. What the idea is, is that loss can have a significant effect on anything. In this case, Frank Castle. Sadly his family, wife and kids, were murdered. They were gone forever. Just like that. This of course, caused change. His demeanor turned dark. He was a dead crumbling flower. Someone who's losing his petals every day. Slowly fading. Now, the dying flower is going around, looking for the people or person who'd done it. Not only that, but he also kills people that he thinks deserves it. Criminals. But there's someone who is always so dedicated to stop him, someone who has also dealt with loss. Matthew Murdock. He changed as well, for the better. He grew after the death of his father. Now, he is a vigilante, DareDevil, who protects Hell's Kitchen, his home. With this, he needs to make sure that the streets are safe. So now, his goal is to stop Frank Castle. The goal was risky to achieve, considering that this broken man was 'the punisher', a very dangerous man. A dangerous man with a lost soul. Matt knew this, which was why he wanted to help guide the man in the right direction. It took a bit of effort but he had succeeded. All Frank needed in his life was something to go home to. Something to stay strong for.  Something, someone, who would help him back onto his feet. Matt Murdock was the one. He was the sunlight and water. The thing that helped the man bloom into a beautiful blossoming flower. The poor man still struggled but Matt was there for him. At the time, Frank only knew his ray of sunshine as 'the DareDevil'. He still remembered the first time that the Devil had an affect on him. It was after he chained DareDevil on a roof. The vigilante, he wouldn't stop getting in his way. So Frank had to teach him. Teach the man why he was doing what he was doing. But the Devil was so stubborn and refused to see the way that he saw things. He was too innocent and soft for his own good. But maybe that was for his own good. It was what made Frank like him so much. What made him so unique. The Punisher learned a few things from the man. One of those things was faith. The other had so much faith in him, believing that he could change his ways. How adorable. Another thing was that ying yang thing existed. They were opposites yet they were attracted t one another. At least that's what he thought since they've been crossing each other so often. So much that Frank was starting to enjoy the other's presence. It even started to go as far as Frank feeling protective over him, being sure that he was safe during missions and such. He would even help patch the man up, even if he resisted at first, being stubborn. After the little assists, they started having meet-ups. Sometimes they'd fight but that was the usual. But other times, it was relaxing. Like this one time. This day, it was the that would change everything. The day that he could never forget. It was a very special day, even if bad events had happened on the same day. Such as him being held captive, being tortured, by the Irish and his dog being threatened. But it ended well. DareDevil ended up saving him. Of course he made sure that Frank didn't kill anyone. Damn, how did the man have such a big affect on him? They ended up in a cemetery, Frank being too exhausted and injured to move. The DEvil and him, they had a heart to heart conversation. Frank told him everything. The man deserved to know. Matt, he didn't pity him or make him feel weak. He just listened. Listened to every word. Frank could've sworn at some point he saw a tear. ( just watch it trust me XD) But he could just be seeing things. That wouldn't be surprising though. The man did have a heart. A very caring heart. A heart that was filled with faith. "Hey Red....why do you have so much damn faith in me, eh? In a guy like me?" It was out of curiosity. DareDevil did believe in second chances but Frank had more than two chances. So why did the man keep trying? "Because everybody deserves another chance. It never too late to change, no matter how many chances you are given. There's always tomorrow and after that. Slow change is ok. Because in the end, you'll be a better person than you were a day ago. You wanted to kill, I know you did didn't. I know that you tried, and you could've done it but you didn't. That gave me more of a reason to believe. I have faith in you because I know that you can do it. You seemed like a good guy before so I believe that you can go back to that." "What if I don't, huh? What if...what if I go against you? What if I hurt'cha? Would you have faith then?" "Yes I would. Because I know that you wouldn't do that. Not unless you had a good reason to. I trust you, Frank." A quiet laugh left the injured man. Almost in disbelief. "Trust me? I'm flattered, Red?" "I'm serious, Frank." The Punisher looked up at the Devil, eyeing him closely. "Are ya now?" "Very. I have been this whole time. want to know how much I trust you" "How much?" DareDevil leaned a bit closer. "I trust you enough to know that if I took off my mask right now, you wouldn't say a damn thing to anyone." He whispered. "Oh yeah? You really believe that?" Devil was quiet for a moment before he moved his hands to his cowl, starting to lift it. The Punisher was taken off guard. He wanted to look away but curiosity got the best of him. Though he did say before that he didn't really care about who the man was under the thing. But now that they've gotten closer, he can't help but wonder. The mask was now off. The man himself was very cute. His hair was a bit messy, he had an adorable face. His eyes, they weren't on Frank. They were just aimlessly scanning around. "You can call me Matt." He reached a hand out. Frank chuckled softly before shaking the hand. "Even tellin' me your name, huh?" "I already told you. I trust you." "I'm still goin' to call you Red." Now it was Matt's turn to laugh. "That's fine by me." Soon, police sirens were heard in the distance. Of course Matt heard it first. He put his mask back on. "Hey uh...Red? Thanks for listenin' to me earlier...I uh...really needed that." A warm smile formed on the other's face. "Of course Frank." Matt stood up, starting to walk away. But a hand grabbing his wrist stopped him. "Frank?" " ya think that...Maria, my wife, would she....let me move on?" Devil knelt down once more, placing a hand over Frank's. "The way that you spoke of her, I think that she would. She would want you to be happy. If moving on will make you happy, then do it. Don't be afraid that it'll mean something bad. There's a difference between moving on and forgetting. She knows that deep down, you'll never forget what you both had. She'll probably cheer for you. Happy that you could pick yourself back up and find someone that would help you put your pieces back together." He always had his way with his words. "Thank, Red..." Frank whispered, feeling moved by the small speech. Matt removed his hand from Frank's, waiting for him to let go of his wrist, but he didn't. "Frank? Is there something else?" The man remained quiet for a few seconds, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times. Deciding that wording weren't siding with him, he used actions. Yanking the wrist, DareDevil fell forward, gasping softly in shock. The noise was cut off by the Punisher's lips. A hand reached behind his head, lightly gripping the cowl. After a bit, Frank pulled away. "Red....I think I'm ready to move on, ya know? I...shit...I'm not good at this kinda stuff, Red. Jus' wanna be with me?" The man avoided making eye contact, looking everywhere but those red 'eyes'. "Yeah...I would like that." Matt replied, the smile not leaving. They shared one more soft kiss before Matt had to back away. The police were very close. It would be bad if they would've seen that. Thankfully they didn't. Brett ended up taking care of the situation, letting DareDevil leave. Matt knew that Frank was in good hands.

(Thank you all for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this! Don't mind me being a simp for Matt- XD He's an adorable bean. You can't change my mind. >:D)

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