Chapter 5

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There was zero knowledge of where Wilson Fisk planned to take Matt. The only place that would make sense was the prison since the man couldn't leave. So the prison it is. The only problem was, Frank couldn't risk getting caught. That would be pretty bad considering that the prison guards worked for that asshole. Well, also he did kind of break out. If you're wondering how he managed to do that, since the room was so secured, here's a little info. Right after Fisk left, Frank repeatedly shouted and attempted to break free from the chains. Due to all of the ruckus, a guard entered the cell. "Quiet down." He demanded but the Punisher didn't stop. The guard approached him, planning to knock him out but obviously it didn't work out that way. Frank moved quickly, knocking the man down. With a bit of a fight, he finally managed to grab the guard's gun before shooting him. Once the man was dead, he shot the chain, breaking out of them. Now he just had to get out of there. It took quite some work fighting heavily armed men but in the end, he succeeded. The first place he went to was his safe house. Not having enough time to change, he just grabbed his weapons. This being a shotgun, a combat knife, and a pistol. Now that that was explained, it's time to return to the present. Frank had just arrived at the prison. Entering through the front would be very stupid and dangerous. Though sneaking around the back would be the better option, not to mention; safer. Normally, the Punisher would  just barge in, not giving a shit about strategy or being stealthy. But these people had the man that he cared deeply for and loved. The one person he's felt something for since Maria. His world. Surely they haven't been together for long but it felt long. Only a short amount of time and he feels like this. Crazy of how a single person could effect you. A blind lawyer vigilante at that. Saving this man was now his current goal. And maybe...just maybe this one time, he'll test his limits and try not to kill anyone. He knew that if he killed one person, just one, he wouldn't hear the end of it. As long as he doesn't witness anyone hurt Matt, then no one will have to die. Sneaking around to the back, Frank found an entrance. There was an opening. This could mean two things; one, he was just really lucky or two, this was a trap. Testing his luck, he went through the gap. It was pretty dark, a perfect opportunity for someone to attack. Yet it never came. So maybe he was just lucky. Awesome. To find out, the room he was in was a janitors closet. Extra lucky today. There was a janitor uniform neatly set to the side, in which Frank happily took. Quickly changing out of the blood stained clothes, he put on the uniform. But even with this on, he'd be recognized. Thankfully, there was a cap, a medical mask, and a pair of glasses sitting around. Putting those on, he was now ready to go. Quickly and quietly, he left the closet, taking a broom with him to complete the disguise. Roaming the prison halls, Frank ended up coming across quite a few doors that needed a keycard. There was no other way of getting on the other side. Eventually, he came across another locked door, though this time, there was a prison guard, keeping an eye out for trouble. Frank could just attack the man and take his keycard but that would lead to many issues. So, he'll just have o go with plan B. He walked over to the door before searching his pockets. "Lose your card?" The guard asked. "Yeah....Must've fallen out while I was cleanin'." "No worries. I do that all of the time too. I've got you, Mr..." "Pete. Just call me Pete." The guard nodded before taking out his card, scanning it then let Frank through. Well that was easy. "Uh...thanks." Either that man is a rookie or something fishy was going on. Did they know that he was here? This thought made him want to attack the guard just to be safe. But he couldn't. It would be too risky. Though he did end up doing something very risky, like stealing the guard's keycard as he walked by. Thankfully the guard didn't notice and hopefully he didn't need it soon. Walking down the hall and through a few secured doors, Frank noticed that the prison guards who were suppose to be on duty were lying on the floor dead. Someone was here. This only made Frank walk faster. For all he knew, this person could be after Matt, possibly knowing about his night activities. What if the other was in more danger now? Frank couldn't let anything happen to him. As he continued to head straight, he soon heard what seemed to be the sound of someone struggling with something. It sounded like it was coming from around the corner. Quickly and quietly, he looked around the corner, trying to see what was going on. "I....I don't know where! I-I swear! He just ordered me to-" Bam, knocked out in a second. Frank examined the situation. It was one of the guards who had taken Matt in the hospital, was now knocked out cold. The blind lawyer wasn't with him. Of course he wouldn't be. Frank's luck wasn't that great. Anyway, the person who knocked him out was an old man. Strangely, he was holding a case and a white cane. "I don't have time for this, Matty. Where are you?" So the old man knew Matt? Interesting. "I know you're there. You can come out now." Well shit. Frank walked around the corner, taking off the hat, mask, and glasses. "What do you want from him?" He asked, getting straight to the point. "He's gotten you into his mess? I'm not surprised. Matty's really good at that. He get's too close to people then drags them down into his problems." How dare this bastard talk about Matt like that? "The fuck's your problem? Eh? He didn' bring me into any 'mess'. If anythin', this was my mess. So if ya here to hurt-" "I'm not. Just here to save his ass. Again. You coming?" "Don' even know who you are." "We can make introductions later. Let's just get this shit done." Frank kinda liked this old man's attitude. Straight into action, just how he liked it. "Gotta weapon?" The old man asked. Frank opened up his suit, revealing the shotgun and knife. "Take out the shotgun. Your gonna need it." The Punisher took out the shotgun. "Lotta guards?" "Twenty of them. Five guards in each direction. All have weapons." So he was just like Matt, able to sense stuff miles away. "Goin' in together or we meetin' up?" "Together. It'll make the job a bit more interesting." And so they walked side by side, ready to end this shit and save Matthew Murdock.

(Thank you guys for reading this chapter!! I hope that you all enjoyed! I wonder who the old man is >:D)

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