Chapter 8 : Au Revior

Start from the beginning

"What about Bella?" Beau protested weakly, the desire to leave Forks already planted in his brain.

"It's not like you'll be able to see Bella soon. You can always call each other. I'll go pack your bags while you stay here and fail to argue with yourself on how leaving Forks is a bad idea."

Beau's jaw dropped as he watched Alice jump down from the tree branch they were on, a cheeky smirk on her face, and ran back east, were her home was.

Alice was right. Beau wouldn't be able too see Bella in a good while, but could he just leave her here?

On the other hand, Beau would endanger everyone in this town with his bloodlust, the hungry monster in the back of his brain ready to pounce at the scent of blood. As horrible as it sounded, he would rather wipe out a town full of strangers than a town full of the people he grew up with and knew.

On top of that, would Beau torture himself by just staying on the sidelines? Watching Bella mature and grow without him? Watching Charlie get a dozen donuts every Saturday for them to eat to only remember that he would be eating them alone? Would Beay watch his family move on and continue on with their lives without him?

Staying here was going to be torturous, and leaving would give him anxiety.

In the end, Beau knew that he had to do what was best for everyone, including himself. He couldn't endanger the town, Bella and Charlie, and he couldn't watch them live their lives knowing that he wouldn't be a part of it---if Bella stayed human.

If Bella became a vampire. . . she would have to go through the same pain that he went through---am still going through.

Beau wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.

For her sake, Beau hoped that Bella stayed human. He hoped that Edward will let her live her life naturally instead of turning her.

Hope, hope, hope. Since when did Beau hope as much as he do now?

Beau drained one more deer on the way to the Cullen household, not wanting the tension he knew everyone would have once he arrived.

All of the Cullens were still in their living room, all of them silent and looking off into different directions. In unison, their heads snapped over to Beau as he entered the antic house. Edward's scent was sweet, alluring, and so deliciously human that venom gathered in Beau's mouth and his hunger flared. Beau scrunched his nose and held his breath, fighting the demon in his mind begging for human blood.

Jasper was looking at Beau in curious wonder, his head tilted to one side. "I no longer feel Beau's emotions. I used to get wisps of it, but not anymore. I can't change his emotions, either."

At the sound of Jasper's breathy voice, the Cullens studied Beau further, ignoring Edythe as she walked away from the living room. Beau's unbeating heart clenched in pain as he watched her silently walk away from her family. He didn't like causing Edythe pain, it was like punching himself in the face, but what Edythe did wasn't something that was easily forgiven.

Both of them just needed time.

"All of his footsteps are completely silent," Carlisle added, his whiskey eyes analysing Beau as if he were a molecule under a microscope.

"I can't see his future anymore," Alice piped in, her eyes glazed as she tried to peer into the future, "I can't even see him in our futures."

"I still can't read his mind. The only difference is that I get a headache when I try," Edward mused, his face twisted in discomfort as he messaged his temples.

"It's a gift," Emmet said, the Cullens throwing him a "no shit" look.

Rosalie rolled her eyes at her fiancé, "Beau is undetectable in all but appearance and when he talks. His gift is defensive, blocking all of us from accessing his person. Really, you guys should have caught it sooner."

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