"I'll go check on him..." Luke muttered.

"Gentlemen... I understand you're close with the victim... Ameerah Johnson?"

"So?" Mj asked.

"Which one of you is Odell Beckham?

Rather than talking he simply raised his hand.

"Could we have a word with you?"

"Anything you gotta say to me you can say it in front of them man. They family." He said sighing.

"Alright... What kind of doctor allows someone to take promethazine and xanax at the same time?"
"Get those arms bandaged up."

"She's going into shock."

"Get her hooked up."

"Clear! 1,2,3. Starting chest compressions!"


"Do it again."


"Stand by. Clear!"

"Come on Ameerah, stay with us."

"Just hang on a little longer- Wait is that a heartbeat?"
"You went through my room?"

"The room where the victim was found? Of course we did. Answer the question."

"My doctor. I don't understand why i'm being questioned."

"The victim overdosed on your pills. They were found in the cabinet of your bathroom."

"When were they prescribed?"

"Didn't you read the bottle? You should know."

The detective sighed and said "If you want us to help your friend you'll cooperate."

"How are you gonna help her? You're not a doctor. You can't help shit!"

"I didn't know she was gonna do this! You think if I would've known I would've let those pills out?!"

"I fucked up. I didn't pay attention to the signs... I didn't pay enough attention to her when she needed it. She's in here because of me." He said sniffling.

"Sir.... I wanna make this clear. What she did is not your fault. Like you said you couldn't have known what she was planning. I see how passionate you feel about her and I'm sorry we have to do this It's just procedure."

"If we come up with anymore questions we know where to find you."
Several hours later

"Why haven't they said anything yet? Is it that bad? You think they holding out on us to keep us from spazzing?" Duke asked getting up.

"If I find out y'all keeping some shit from us about Ameerah you better pray to God I don't get my hands on you." He threatened.

"Do I need to call security?! I told you you'd be the first to know if ANYTHING changes. The doctor hasn't come out of the surgery room since he's been in there. Now go sit down."

"Duke come sit down man." Luke said. "You need to relax."

"How can you say that? Why aren't you acting the same way if not worse?"

"Because I know that's not gonna fix anything man. Please use your common sense right now."

"I'm sorry this shit is happening to us but please calm down. I can't handle nomore shit right now and if you get locked up I can't promise you'll be out tonight."

Duke sighed and took a seat.

"They still haven't said anything?"

"Neither of them have said a word last time I checked. We all seen the same shit yet they taking it completely different.... It's a crazy world we living in."

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