"Y/N!!" She screamed and went to find her sister for help.

"We'll just have pizza for dinner if that's okay." Y/N came down to ask. I nodded my head. She ordered through her phone and we waited for the delivery. Colin came back in time for dinner and we all had dinner together.

I don't know if I should be disappointed or sad that I didn't get to spend much time with Y/N as much as I did with Rose. I suppose as teenagers grow up, these things seem less significant to them.

"How was your day, dear? Happy Mother's Day." Colin asked after changing into his nightgown.

"It was good. The girls helped a lot." I said as I got under the cover. As I placed my head on the pillow, I heard a paper crumpling but I was unable to see anything. I lifted the pillow up but there was nothing.

"What are you looking for darling?" Colin asked, looking at my actions.

"I heard paper crumpling." I said as I ran my hands through my pillow, I was sure I heard it. I felt a different texture and immediately put my hands inside the cover to take out a folded piece of paper.

"What is this?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders as I don't recall having this in my pillow when I woke up this morning.

Hey mum,

I don't know how to start this so I'll just head right to it.

You know I don't express my feelings much but trust me when I say I love you, I appreciate your effort around the house and all the contribution you did for the family.

After going through the internship and working full time, I've definitely understood how tiring work can be. I can't even fathom how tiring yours is when you work late into the night. How do you have the energy to prepare breakfast, take care of us and the house and entertain us on the weekend? I just want to sleep through the week and not do anything.

I may not say much and likewise you may not show that you're tired, but you deserve a rest. Police, teachers and social workers are known to have no break throughout the year but sometimes, we seem to forget Mothers need a rest too.

You really are my hero.

Although I may not have reached that level yet, I will make sure you are able to live the rest of your life peacefully.

There will be times when I am rude to you, go against you and piss you off but trust me when I say that I regret it very quickly. I may not come out and say I'm sorry, but you'll see me lingering around you more often and offering you a helping hand, talking to you about random stuff to ease the tension between us, trying to make you forget what happened earlier, to make it less awkward between us.

You'd never admit how tired you are or how much you're in pain and no matter what I did wrong, you always forgive me. Thank you for loving me, staying with me silently in the day and being my light in the night.

I thought you were being annoying but I didn't know you were just trying to find a topic to converse with your ever growing baby. I complained about your hugs being old fashioned but I really like it.

You were always patient with me even through my rebellious phase, knowing I'll be better.

How did you always love me more than yourself? How did you never give up on me? How many times did you act as if you didn't know I was lying?

How did I never know what I should cherish? How did you never ever show when I break your heart?

There were sometimes where you weren't that strong when you hugged me, but I never ever felt that it was forced.

You were in every part of my life and never missing.

As I grew up, I was worried if I was beautiful or doing well enough but I realised you had to have a lot of courage to carry me for nine months in your belly. The decision you made carried on forever. In order to give me a tomorrow, you bet on your own.

How many times do you also need a shoulder to cry on? But because of me, you carried everything on your own.

No matter how big of a problem or how sad you were, you never wore it on your face.

So I give you this letter, because I don't know what else I can give you. Thank you for loving me, being with me and guiding me.

I love you.

Your daughter,
Y/N Johansson

I could feel my tears on the edge of falling as I finished reading the letter. It's been a long time since I received anything from Y/N. "You raised a great child." Colin said next to me.

"You think so?"


"Do you mind if I went to sleep with Y/N tonight?"

"Well..." He thought for a moment. "I may have to ask Princess Rose to sleep with me then." He smirked.

"Thanks." I gave him a peck on the lips before jumping out of the bed to Y/N's room. I pushed open the door slowly and saw she was sleeping on her right side. She's the fastest sleeper in the family, literally being able to doze off to sleep after a shower.

I slipped under the cover with her and she mumbled with her eyes closed. "Rose?"

"No, it's me. I got your letter." I whispered as I got comfortable with her.

"Yesterday it was Rose, now it's you." She groaned. "Now my weekend is wasted."

I smiled slightly knowing she didn't truly mean it. "Come on... it is still Mother's day. Let me do this." Y/N didn't say anything and just scoot closer to me.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight mum."

Written on 21 Feb 2022
Posted on 9 May 2022

When I was writing this, I asked my mother when Mother's Day was going to be and she immediately said thank you and said she'll think of a request of gift. I'm like what? Since when you do you see me give you anything?

The second part of the letter came from a Chinese song and man was it hard to translate because it wasn't matching the beat of the music and I had to remind myself it didn't have to match, I'm writing a fucking letter!

Yeah, this is kinda like dedicated to my mother but I'll never tell her about it!

Side note: I just graduated from polytechnic!!! University next!

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