05: EYE'S

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A very creepy eyes stared at me and I almost jump up into my bed when I realize it was just a dream.

And I look around the two familiar faces stared me worriedly.

And Okay! It wasn't my room.

Grey walk beside me and give his worried eyes.

I stare his eyes and It wasn't same as those Eyes awaken me.

Who the heck is it?.

And it shouldn't be Warren, I mean i maybe didn't clearly seen Warrens eyes but I swear it wasn't him.

"You okay? You Know what Nyl, You freak me out". Grey said.

I look away and try to calm myself remembering what just happened.

But then I met warren cold eyes.

I immediately look away and look at grey again, And this is my problem its not that I want him think that everytime i met his eyes its awkward, cause it feels weird its just i don't wanna make sense.

"That guy make you what? Or I mean what happen sinaktan ka ba nila?". Grey ask vaguely.

I suddenly shook my head and sat properly.

"Its just i felt bad walking around and He was walking closer to my directions that's why its like he did something to me before you guys notice me struggling there". I explain pointing what just happen.

They maybe think i know that guy who almost helped me but no were not.

Yeah. You know that too.


"What they just did or say to you? I wanna know". Warren Interrupt.

I browed and look at him.

Why he cares? I mean Yeah. They maybe deserve to hear nonsense about those bullshits.

"They acted nonsense they want me to call them in case ,I'm in trouble again or if i can't handle the situation i should ask their help one of them said, Sounds nonsense what the hell". I said and I never realize na naka smirk ako.

Maybe thats the reason why Grey and Warren staring at me wondering what i just did or say.

"Why?". I confuse.

Grey take a step towards Warren.

"No, It can't be". Grey said almost whisper but I hear it clear.

" Hey! Why?". I confuse and I about to get up in bed.

And Warren browed annoyingly.

"Come on! I'm sick for fun like this its not literally funny Grey". I complain.

Its really irritate me I hate strange things like this.

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