Chapter 4 The incident

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Racheal's pov

I walked Mika to her house and I went home. I was a bit surprised to see an ambulance in front of our house and my sister and brother outside looking worried. They saw me and quickly ushered me to the side

"What is happening?" I asked

My older sister took a deep breath "Mom had a heart attack and we don't know if she will make it. Pack some items and see if any of your friends can take us in. I took out my phone and added Mika to our group chat (A/N Alpha is Racheal and Mika is Monica

                                                                                          Weird Hoes 

                                                                                           Group Chat

Alpha just added Mika

Hey guys can one of you take me in I have a family thing going on so if you could please contact me  


Sure my fam can take you in, plus u already know where I live so it shouldn't be that hard to get there


Thanks, Mika


I closed my phone and quickly went inside when they said I could. I packed a week's worth of clothes, I could always use Mika's, some books, my hygiene products, some makeup I use, some money, and my phone. I went downstairs and texted Mika that I had siblings. We went down to her house which was a 20-minute walk away. 

Monica's POV 

My family added two beds to my sister's room and one to mine. I quickly made sure that my room was clean. Mom went out to buy some more food for them. While she was gone the doorbell rang. I opened it and introduced myself

" Hi you guys must be Racheal's sibling, I'm Monica" I stuck out my hand and shook it" 

Her sister looked at me a little skeptically but finally said " I'm AJ and this is our brother Luke." I looked at him and shook both of their hands. 

"Let me show you to your rooms," I told them. I walked down the hall to my twin sister's room "Ash, Lyss, we have visitors 

"Omg you must be" Lys started

"Racheal siblings" Ash finished 

They squealed in delight and whisked them into their room 

"Wait, Where is Rach going?" 

I pointed at my door across the hall. "My room" She raised an eyebrow at me but I led Rach to my room. 

She pushed me against the wall once I closed the door. I smiled as things escalated quickly

**Timeskip due to me being lazy👍🏻** 

Racheal POV 

Oh, shit, we did it, we did it. M sighed as I put back on my clothes "Mika, I only packed one week's worth of clothes, can I borrow some of yours?" 

She laughed as she responded "Yeah but you might not like my wardrobe. She picked out a few outfits for me and I wore one of them. We went to dinner and ate. We went upstairs and I slept in the extra bed.

A/N hi yall 

Yes I know I haven't updated for a week but I have been busy doing homework and studying for some tests. But I hope you like the new chapter. Vote and comment ur thoughts. 

That's all for now baii

- that bi bitch

The nerd and The heartbreakerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora