Chapter 3 Racheals POV

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A/N this is in Rachels's POV just to clear up any confusion

I blew Monica a kiss and walked in, on the door, there was a little peephole to see outside, and my friends had seen me blow a kiss to someone. The second I walked into the class, my friends bombarded me with questions.

"Are you in a relationship?"

"Who was that kiss to?" 

" Did your crush finally like you back?" 

I ignored their questions and went to our usual table. Jack approached me and asked, " Who was that kiss to babe?" 

" None of your fucking business" I snapped back. 

" Ms. Scott, don't use that language in my class." I scoffed and then punched him

"ms Scott!" Our science teacher yelled, "detention this weekend!" 

I scoffed "I'm sorry if I was being harassed, if someone harassed you, what would you do." I questioned. "Punch them, kick them? Its not my fault that he wanted to harass me." 

"Don't use that attitude with me Ms Scott," I laughed at her, "What you gonna do about it? We both know I'm stronger than you." 

"Well, then your person watching you during detention is Monica" 

I had to groan, and walk to  the back to the class.

My friends looked at me weirdly, Harley passed me a piece of paper asking me if I was okay. I scribbled yes I'm fine, and passed it back to her. She looked at me skeptically but brushed it off. 

The day went by and I walked Monica to her house, I went back to a surprise 

A/N Hai there ppl, sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but I had to leave you with a chapter cause I'm going on a day trip tomorrow, and I wont have my phone.

Plz vote and leave your thoughts on this. Thanks

-that bi bitch

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