Chapter 1: A New Friend

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Racheal Pov

I walked into school with my friends Harley,  Kat,  Karla, and Maria,  then a path parted for us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Monica my crush looking at me in disapproval. My heart twinged a   little, she was my crush and  I hated seeing her disappointed or even mad at me. 

Then my ex (Lemme emphasize the ex part) boyfriend came  up  to  me,  

"How you doing baby girl." 

I  grabbed him by the collar and banged his head into a locker, thankfully there were no teachers in the hall at the moment. The bell rang signaling we had to get to class in a few minutes. I snarled at him 

"Don't ever think that I am your precious little princess anymore," I pushed him away. " You got lucky, but next time, the bell won't be here to save you. 

I walked into class taking a seat at the back, our teacher didn't give a fuck what we did so I popped a cigarette and offered them to my friends. They all happily excepted. 

" Heyo, Rach"  Maria said interrupting my thinking. "Phoenix ahead" I looked up to see Monica and her friends sitting at the table in front of us. I decided to be a little gutsy and make a paper airplane (I didn't make it cause I don't know how to do that shit. Harley made it )  asking Monica if she wanted to be my friend. I tossed it at her and waited for a response.

Monica POV 

 I felt something hit my shoulder, I turned around and looked for the thing that hit me. I saw a paper airplane I opened it and got confused. I looked back to see who threw it and Racheal raised her eyebrows at me and mouthed silently "yes or no." I nodded my head vigorously " Hey guys, I'm gonna sit with someone else today, hope you don't mind." I looked at them and sighed mentally. Of course, they don't notice me, they're too busy making out not acknowledging my presence. I walked over there " Can I sit with you guys?" Kat raised an eyebrow at me " Sure" Racheal said. I was about to sit down but Kat asked " Why aren't you with your friends?" I pointed at my table so they could see Maya and Amber making out. " Do I need to explain?"  Racheal offered me a cigarette and I happily accepted. I didn't know my muscles were tense till I put that cigarette to my lips. I talked with them, they talked with me and I talked to them. Soon class ended. Racheal asked, " So I'm your friend now, right?" I chuckled " yeah" 

 While I was in the hall Maya came over with Amber trotting behind her. " What were you doing sitting with those losers?" She asked. I scoffed at her "They're not losers, they're my friends." Amber almost dropped her iced coffee she was holding while Maya looked at me in disbelief " We never even liked you in the first place, your just a nerd who has no life." I could feel tears well up threatening to drop, " We used you for answers you know, let's go, babe." I tan to the bathroom with tears staining my cheeks

Racheal POV 

I watched as  Monica ran out of the hall into the girl's bathroom. "Hey guys, I need to go to the restroom, I'll meet you at the classroom." And I followed her to the restroom to see what was wrong. 


Hi there, I hope you are enjoying it so far, sadly there will not be smut in this so if u came to this story for that then sry but I didn't rly want to write smut for this. This is also my first fanfic so don't hate on me that much aight 

Tysm for reading and plz vote and comment ur thoughts 

-  that bi bitch *Edited

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