50SOD II: Chapter Twenty-Nine

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    Conference room A had the largest table Destiny had ever seen in her life. Executives stood beside it, speaking to each other - some about the Harry Palmer press nightmare and others about unrelated topics.

    Destiny walked alongside Brian, holding her notebook to her chest and feeling out of place. The expansive room was filled with the elite members of Graham Enterprises, the people who called the shots in each department. People with titles. Salaries. Meanwhile, she felt like the equivalent of a secretary. Brian had said that she might come up with an idea, but even if she did, she wasn't sure she'd have the confidence to speak her mind in the presence of all of these executives. She nervously smoothed down the skirt of her white, short-sleeved, knee-length dress.

    Aubrey stood at the front of the room, nodding at a slender, blonde-haired woman while powering up the projector.

    Other than moments when he was sleeping or moments when he sat in bed on his laptop, under the impression she was sleeping, she rarely got to watch him candidly. He was always aware that she was around. She cherished these few minutes that she was able to watch him in his element.

    He spoke to the blonde for another moment before lifting an index finger, a gesture meant to ask her to hold on. He whipped his phone from the pocket of his dark dress pants and lifted it to his ear. His eyes narrowed and he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

    How can one man be so incredibly attractive? After a quick survey of the room, she realized she wasn't the only woman watching him. That was, until Brian swaggered into view. At that point, it seemed like women didn't know which man to feast their eyes upon. Destiny hung back by the door, until Brian turned and looked at her. His brows furrowed. He's wondering why the hell I stopped walking. She hesitantly walked further into the room, garnering glances from several executives. And they're wondering if I'm lost since this meeting is only for executives.

    Brian stretched an arm out and placed it at her upper back as he introduced her to the VP's of marketing and IT. "This is our new superstar. Very bright. She has great ideas as far as the stance we should take with our public statement. This is Destiny Richards."

    She shook a lot of hands, answered a lot of questions about her schooling and interest in public relations and journalism. Several executives were impressed with her on sight, once they knew she'd been invited to this meeting. A few of them recognized her name from the byline on The Hilltop news article that featured Aubrey's interview.

    Brian spoke animatedly with his colleagues, but her eyes remained on Aubrey. He took several phone calls, spoke to several executives, and continued to set up the computer and projector system he'd be using for the meeting. His charcoal grey suit shimmered beneath the overhead canned lighting. His complexion was golden underneath those same lights. His smile came easily today. She wondered if she had anything to do with that.

    He lowered his eyes and rubbed his jaw as another smile curved his lips.

    And in that moment, she didn't have to wonder anymore. He was thinking about her right then. She could feel it.

    Another executive approached him, a tall slender man wearing a ridiculous hair piece.

    Aubrey clapped him on the back in greeting, and his eyes slid just a little bit to the right. That was when his eyes met Destiny's. His brows drew together and he tilted his head to the side. His gaze shifted to the man that was talking to him and he struggled to focus on what he was saying.

    Brian leaned down and whispered into Destiny's ear, "We should really find our seats. The meeting is going to start any minute."

    She nodded and followed him. He chose seats near the head of the table. Fitting, since he seemed to be one of Aubrey's right-hand men. He pulled out a chair for her, which she thanked him for.

    "Generally at these things, Aubrey has the floor," Brian explained to her in hushed tones while other executives scurried around the table to find seats. "He will then give the floor to the managers to give them a chance to voice any concerns or questions. If you have any ideas, or any questions or concerns, write them down here." He gently pulled her notebook out of her hands and flipped to the next blank page. "Don't shout anything out. Got it?"

    "Yes," she said, pulling her chair in closer to the table.

    Aubrey ended his conversation with the tall, slender executive and made a beeline over to Brian and Destiny. "This is a meeting for managers, Brian," he chided softly while smiling politely at an executive on the opposite side of the table.

    "Something might be said that could spark an idea in her," Brian countered, wheeling around in his chair to face his superior. "It's best that she's here."

    Aubrey stared at him wordlessly.

    "I told her not to speak. She's going to write down any questions or ideas she has. I will review them and ask the ones that are pertinent." Brian reached inside his suit jacket pocket and fished out a packet of gum. "Does that work for you?"

    Aubrey straightened his posture. "You need to tell me these things before acting on your impulses."

    "But I'm always right, aren't I?"

    Aubrey arched an eyebrow at him.

    "I can go," Destiny said, feeling more out of place than ever.

    "No." Aubrey's eyes were kind when they shifted over to her. "Stay. But do as he says. Write down questions or ideas. Don't shout anything out. It would draw too much attention to you. The entire room is probably already wondering why you were invited."

    She nodded.

    Aubrey set a hand on her shoulder. He squeezed her shoulder affectionately before walking away and returning to the projector. His secretary, Bridgette, appeared out of nowhere holding a small, unfamiliar object in her hand.

    Destiny frowned in confusion as Bridgette walked up to Aubrey and grabbed the lapel of his suit jacket. She relaxed when she realized that Bridgette was only clipping a small microphone to his suit jacket.

    "Thanks, Bridgette," he said, reaching up and switching the microphone on.

    Bridgette nodded, turned, and saw Destiny.

    Destiny didn't have anything against Bridgette, anything at all. But the girl did give her strange vibes. Aubrey told her that once upon a time, Bridgette had a crush on him. For some reason, he felt comfortable enough to flaunt Destiny around and sit with her during lunch, which no doubt caused gossip to fly around the office. Maybe that was why Destiny sensed an underlying hostility from Bridgette. But whatever the reason, Destiny got the impression that Bridgette didn't like her.

    Bridgette looked between Destiny and Brian. What was the look in her eyes? Was it curiosity? Or something more?

    Or am I just overanalyzing again? Destiny asked herself.

    Bridgette checked with Aubrey to see if there was anything else he needed.

    He covered the small, black microphone with his hand. "I'm good. Thank you, Bridgette." He uncovered the microphone and turned to face those seated at the conference table. "Are we ready for this meeting to start, or what?" he called out to everyone in the room.

    "Is this meeting catered?" one of the executives questioned. "The last one was catered."

    "This meeting was thrown together very last minute," Aubrey said, chuckling as he cued up the first slide in his Powerpoint presentation. "And hasn't Meredith been getting on your ass about your cholesterol, Phil?"

    "Touche," Phil muttered, lowering into a seat and running a hand over his salt and pepper hair.

    Aubrey grinned and looked up at the projection screen.

    Destiny watched him quietly, wondering if there would ever be a time when she would stop falling even more in love with him.

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