Chapter Fifty Seven

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Scream ✷ teen wolf

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"Yeah, I said we can't find her" Stiles said to Derek who was on speakerphone so both him and a Eve could talk to and hear him.

"Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle." Derek said.

"Yeah, we'll, he's not here either." Stiles said.

"What?" Derek exclaimed.

"He's not here, he's gone, Derek." Eve said.

"Stiles, Eve, get out of there right now-it's him! He's the alpha! Get out!" Derek shouted.

Eve and Stiles both looked at each other and when they turned around the alpha also know as Peter Hale was standing there.

"You must be Eve and Stiles."

Stiles grabbed Eve's hand and turned them towards the exit but the nurse Jennifer stood in their way.

"What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over." Jennifer said to the two teen.

"You... and him. You're-you're the one who-oh, my-and he's-oh, my god, we're gonna die. Oh my
God, We're gonna die." Stiles stuttered.

Derek then showed up and elbowed Jennifer in the face knocking her out. "That's not nice. She's my nurse." Peter said.

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek said "get out of the way" he told Eve and Stiles.

"Oh, damn" Stiles said leading Eve out of the way.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?" Derek then ran towards Peter with his claws extended and eyes glowing. But Peter easily overpowered Derek, throwing him into the wall. Eve and Stiles then scrambled away. "My mind, my personality were literally burned out of me" Peter said as he held Derek by the throat and began dragging down the hall. "I was being driven by pure instinct." He the. Dropped Derek and bent over taking car keys from Jennifer's unconscious body.

"You want forgiveness?" Derek asked Peter, punching him.

"I want understanding" Peter said, head budding Derek and then kicked him in the torso, sending him flying. "Do you have any idea... what is was like for me during those years? Slowly heading, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that."

Derek stood up and began to swing his claws at Peter who dodged his efforts. Peter then caught on of Dereks hands and crushed it, the sound of bones crunching reaching Eve and Stiles's ears causing them both to wince.

"I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." Peter said picking derek up and throwing him to the other side of the reception desk, the glass wall shattering as his body hit it. Derek dragged his body away and towards an empty room which Peter followed him to.

"I was going to wait, for dramatic flair... but..." Peter said looking a the small stand up mirror that sat on a table. He the rotated it when it stopped spinning the burn mark on his face was gone. "When you look this good, why wait?" He then turned towards Derek. "Derek, you have to give me a chance to explain. After all, we're family.

Scream ✷ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now